Chapter 43- The Vessel

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The manifestation played on repeat, and she watched as the light figures were struck down. The bottom of the globe oozed red, and it looked like real blood that dripped onto the floor. And then the blood started pouring, more and more of it. The crowd had already parted, retreating to the edges of the hall in frigid fear, but the pool of blood prompted them to try and move further away. It didn't act like blood. In fact, it was something more sinister than they realised.

The blood gathered together before snaking away. It was like a serpent of the deepest red, hissing and flicking its forked tongue out to thrive off the terror in the air. Hermione watched it, trepidation making her body heavy. Somehow, she knew what it was doing before anyone else did. It curled across the floor, ignoring every other student. The blood started chanting something.

"What's it saying?" She heard Remus ask. He had appeared at Sirius' side, and was holding onto his wrist tightly.

Hermione didn't say anything, but tried to focus on the chanting. It was like a skin-crawling hiss that came from deep within her.


She watched the snake incredulously, a sliver of dread incapacitating her.

"Kairos, Kairos, Kairos."

The blood slithered its way closer and she knew, even as Sirius inhaled sharply, and Remus tried to pull her back, that the snake was coming for her.

The silence of the hall threatened to crush her. Nothing else existed. There was nothing else to the world except her and the blood. It started to speak, whispering to her, in his voice, "I see you. I know you have been hiding from me but I see you now... You can try to hide. You can try to run. But I will find you. And I will destroy you."

"Finite Incantatum!" A booming voice cut through the screams and white noise. Hermione didn't look up. She just stared at the serpent, watching as the blood lost its shape and splashed to the floor, staining the hem of her dress. It was warm and thick on her feet. The globe of light vanished in a second.

"Due to unforeseen circumstances, I'm afraid tonight will have to be cut short," Dumbledore announced. His voice was commanding and left no room for discussion. He seemed to just appear, like one minute he was absent and the next, he was there. Just like always. "You are all to return to your dormitories. Anyone caught out of bed will receive strict punishment."

With another flick of his wand, every candle reignited and even as the hall was once more bathed in light, it felt colder than before, more distant. The students wasted no time in rushing to the doors, fleeing back to their Common Rooms. Hermione couldn't even move.

"Mione?" Sirius prompted, his fingers tickled her wrist. "Hermione, we need to go. Come on, let's go."

He tugged her, and she stumbled forward, but the action snapped her out of her mind. She looked at him. The river of people pulsed past them, and desperation was pungent in the air.

Remus said, "Should we wait for James and Peter?"

Sirius shook his head, dragging him forward. "No. We'll just meet them at the Common Room. We need to get out of here."

The three of them weaved their way through the frenzied crowed, ducking under outstretched arms and sidestepping couples. Everyone was too shaken to really notice. A few people were crying.

"How did that even happen?" Remus asked. His voice was a hushed, urgent whisper.

"What was it, would be the more appropriate question, don't you think?" Sirius murmured.

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