Chapter 44- The Mother

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They stood in Dumbledore's office the following morning.

Professor McGonagall had collected them straight after breakfast, which had been a tired and tense affair. No one had really seemed to know how to react and so, the school had eaten in silence, with the odd half-hearted murmur. When their Head of House had come to collect them, Hermione had felt her heart sink to the bottom of her stomach.

It sank even lower as she had marched the five of them along corridor after corridor to finally reach Dumbledore's office. James had noticed. He'd twigged on about the fourth corridor and had slipped his hand into hers. Hermione found it a comforting reminder- she knew what the gesture meant: you're not alone in this.

"As you are all no doubt aware," Dumbledore said, eyes raking across all of them. He was sat behind his desk, fingers interlocked. They stood solemnly. "Last night, Hogwarts hosted an attack from Lord Voldemort."

Peter squeaked. James' hand tightened in hers. Sirius went a deathly pallor. The office was silent, and not even Fawkes seemed brave enough to break it.

"I cannot let you stay here, under the... special circumstances apparent. Therefore, the only logical thing for me to do is to send you all home a week early for the holidays," Dumbledore continued. Hermione froze, but it had the opposite effect on her friends. James visibly melted, his worry slipping away from him; she almost felt the whoosh of relief in the air. "You'll be staying with the Potters' until this next week is over. I have already discussed the arrangement and they know not to let you leave, unsupervised, before then. This is for your own safety. Do I make myself clear?"

Hermione couldn't bring herself to look at him. She felt sick. Could Dumbledore truly not see how transparent he was? She knew exactly what he was doing and his twinkling blue eyes bored into her. Did he really think that she couldn't see what he was doing, why he was doing it? If he thought he could lock her up, under the guise of protection, whilst he crafted his own little plan against Voldemort, then he was deeply underestimating her.

Hermione Granger was not someone to be underestimated.

Remus didn't really say anything, just stared at their Headmaster, that little frown of puzzlement creasing his face.

James asked incredulously, "You're putting me on house arrest in my own house?"

Dumbledore said, "It's not house arrest, Mr Potter. It's for your protection."

"Is this about Hermione?" Peter asked, his voice small. They all looked at him.

He appeared washed out and the bandage covering his eye slipped down to reveal the scratches. She wondered whether he always looked this weary... But she found she couldn't remember. He shoved it back up. "The message from-" Hermione swallowed, watching his tongue struggle with the name. Finally, he choked, "You-Know-Who. It was for Hermione wasn't it? He knows she's from the future."

Something rippled across the five of them, like some sort of deeper understanding. It was always Peter who clicked before anyone else. Remus understood strategy, but Peter understood people.

It was part of the reason they were all friends, you never had to explain yourself to him, he just got it.

"That's why you're sending us away," Remus realised. "Because we're the only people who know about her."

Dumbledore ducked his head in a small nod.

"As far as anyone is concerned, you returned home to see your parents," he continued, changing the subject. "Sirius and James' mother took regretfully ill overnight and they were alerted right away. Remus' aunt died of Measles and poor Peter did not want to be left alone, so I granted his early departure." Dumbledore looked at her. "I hope you understand, Miss Granger, that your safety is my priority at this moment in time. It will not be forever, but Hogwarts has been infiltrated." His voice was heavy and sad when he said finally, "I'm afraid our home is no longer safe."

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