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Life continued as it had done the first time round and Hermione lived it as decadently and beautifully as she had then, perhaps even more so. Everything was ephemeral and bright and they savoured it. They used it to breathe.

The Beatles crooned delicately in the background, and their music was sweet, just as sweet as the sunlight and the large lilies which centred every table. A lazy and content smile played at Lily's lips and she laid her head on James' shoulder, eyes closed. Her red hair was loose, flowers threaded through small braids which Mary had spent hours perfecting. The white dress she wore was lace, ending just below her knee, simple and yet utterly extraordinary. Just like Lily.

James couldn't keep his eyes off of her, and he was holding her to him as though she might disappear from his arms, as though this was all some mesmerising dream which he would soon wake up from. His eyelashes were still wet and sparkling, from where he had cried as he'd watched her walk down the aisle.

They waited as the record stuttered, and the next song started playing, soaking them in transient bliss. Sirius said wistfully, "I remember when he was a midget, tripping over his legs because they were too damn long... Now look at him. He's married, Moony."

Remus smiled, eyes finding James too. There was an unparalleled love there. "He's all grown up," he said light-heartedly, then added, "You know, I reckon if you'd have told third year us that this would happen, they would've-"

"Pissed themselves laughing," Sirius finished for him, amused.

"Something like that." Remus continued to watch their friends. He looked to be deep in thought and there was a second of silence before he said, "They're both such extraordinary people. They deserve all the happiness and more." He paused. "They're like suns. And we're lucky enough to witness their light."

Their wedding was an irrevocably simple affair; a little white marquee bathed in the spring sunlight at the bottom of the garden at the Potter Manor. All the Order members attended, along with their parents and although there weren't actually that many people, there was enough happiness to encompass them for eternity.

And just as James had predicted what seemed like a lifetime ago, Peter gave a speech, telling stories of how heroic he was and how James Potter was the best thing to happen to him, and he spoke of that day, so many years ago at Hogwarts. He recalled how foolish they all were to ever doubt Potter's charm. Many laughed, but the four boys just smiled, because even though they were in the middle of a bloody war, everything was finally falling into place.

Sirius raised his glass for a toast and managed to make no less than forty three deer-related puns before Remus finally put a stop to the abomination. He'd then taken up the spotlight and very modestly and sincerely told them that they were the greatest people he knew, and that they could only continue to be greater together.

And then Hermione got to her feet, and the room fell quiet once more. She looked out at the people, at the smiling faces. There was the fire of Fabian and Gideon's hair, and the electricity of their grins, and the glistening blonde of Marlene's curls; her red lips were stretched into a gorgeous smile. Dorcas and Emmeline were sat next to each other, their fingers interlocked.

Finally, her eyes fell on the people at her table, the ones who she loved more than anything else in the world. She looked at Peter, who was holding Mary's hand, with his soft dopey smile and ears that protruded from the side of his head, tinged pink because Mary had just kissed his cheek. Remus was sat next to him, eyes gentle and loving and face fresh and new. There were no scars cutting through his freckles, and when he smiled at her, Hermione remembered why she had fallen in love with him. Sirius was sitting next to him, his arm slung round the back of his chair. His hair had been cut to his shoulders, and his eyes twinkled. He was so beautiful, but then again he always had been. He winked at her.

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