Chapter 88- The Werewolves

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Chapter 88- The Werewolves

"A diary?" Marlene said, holding the book up. She didn't look impressed.

They were stood on top of a small hill, squinting against the wind that flew past them.

This was their location. Trees pooled around them, trapping them on this barren island. The diary had felt heavy to Lily, sinister and odd, but Marlene waved it about like it was nothing more than litter, like it wasn't the only thing standing between their life and death.

Lily snorted, looking up from her watch.

Marlene continued, "I mean, a diary?! A fucked up one at that. This is a piece of Voldemort's soul?"

"It's not exactly what I expected either," she replied, checking the time again.

Marls shook her head, clicking her tongue in disgust. "Even I don't keep a diary."

Lily just shrugged.

"What was he, twelve?"

"On a crazy scale of one to ten, maybe," replied Lily. She tore her eyes away from her watch once more. "Hermione said he was sixteen."

Marlene mulled this information over, then said flippantly, "I wonder whether he was hot."

Lily grimaced, shooting her friend a look that clearly showed her disgust at this turn of their conversation. She pursed her lips at Marlene's peeling laughter and said, almost reluctantly, "Apparently he was... erm, rather good looking."

"Good looking, eh?" Marlene raised an eyebrow. Lily narrowed her eyes. "How good looking are we talking? Sexy-good looking or just not ugly?"

"How am I supposed to know?" Lily questioned.

A vindictive smirk curled Marlene's lips and she said, "Imagine being the one to take Voldemort's virginity."

Lily couldn't even contain her horror now and she loudly gagged, snapping her eyes away from the surrounding hills to Marlene.

"Doing to do with You-Know-Who-"

"Oh god, no!" Lily shook her head, and a revolted but amused laugh escaped her. She clapped a hand over her mouth, mortified.

Whilst Marlene howled with laughter, Lily checked her watch again, for what had to be the hundredth time in the past five minutes, and a small crease appeared between her eyebrows at the time.

She said, "Shouldn't we have gotten a signal by now? Or at least, some word to let us know they're alright?"

Marlene sobered up, but not entirely. She didn't appear too concerned.

"Maybe," she shrugged. "It will take as long as it takes, I guess. No point worrying your tits off."

And though Lily tried not to, the frown remained. She didn't like to worry; her mother used to say that worrying showed on a lady's face and the more she worried, the quicker she aged. It made sense, Lily acknowledged. Although only twenty-one, she felt about fifty. Can your soul age outside of your body?

Lily didn't know, and frankly she could care less about the lines of her face. James was there, and the worry in her heart was pounding for him. She didn't know what she'd do without James. He had become her lifeline, her tether; the only thing keeping her sane. She would go out of her mind if she lost him.

She thought of Harry, her darling Harry, who was currently being looked after by Augusta. She imagined him growing up alone, without a mother or father, and her entire body clenched. She wouldn't let that happen; she couldn't.

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