Chapter 94- The Forget-Me-Not

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Chapter 94- The Forget-Me-Not

Hermione felt warm when she woke up. Though she didn't open her eyes at first, her fingers felt the blanket that had been draped over her last night. She couldn't really remember much of what had happened, but she had felt Avery guiding her backwards until he could pull away and position her on the settee. She'd fallen asleep to his hands running through her hair, and the soft lull of his voice telling her everything would be okay. She'd known he was lying, but it didn't matter. She was just so tired.

Cracking her eyes open, Hermione looked around the room. She lifted her head a little when she saw Avery, kneeling by the fire, tending to it. He must have sensed eyes on him, for he turned his head. She studied him, and for some reason, she was struck by how dark and distinct he was. His eyes were impossibly black, though she knew they were more of a very dark blue because of all the times he'd let her close enough to really look at them. They were fixed on her now, framed by his thick eyelashes, and Avery smiled at her.

It was only small, but it somehow managed to make her feel better. Like she didn't have to die alone.

He turned back around, adding a few more logs to the fire to keep it roaring. It hissed, spitting sparks at him. He paid it no attention.

"You smile when you sleep," he told her.

She looked at him blearily. "Do I?"

"Yes." Avery smiled slightly. He sat back on his haunches, so that he could look at her. "It must've been a good dream."

Hermione faltered.

She had been dreaming about the future, but not one poisoned by this past. She had dreamt of a Platform 9¾ that was as bright and bustling as she remembered. But her visit had been different, for she hadn't been going to Hogwarts, rather waving the children off. She was stood on the platform, and Remus had come to stand beside her and he'd made some dry remark about how horrified McGonagall was going to be when she came face to face with the offspring of James Potter. And then Sirius had barked out his laughter, and he'd looked happier, much healthier than she remembered, with freshly cut hair so it now fell to his chin and not his chest. He'd sighed and said mournfully, "Still think we should have given him the Map."

"My son is not getting kicked out of Hogwarts in his First Year because of you and your shenanigans!" Lily had said, though she was smiling. Her eyes were that shining green, not grey and not empty. Her smile was blinding.

Sirius spluttered, holding a hand to his chest and declaring, "Shenanigans! James! Sort your woman out! Shenanigans! How dare you!"

"She may have a point, Pads," James replied, coming to stand next to his smug wife. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, paused to straighten his glasses. "He can't be kicked out before he's made the Quidditch team!"

Lily smacked him, and he was quick to add, "And pass his N.E.W.T.S, of course."

It was then that Peter showed up, and he resembled more the small boy Hermione had met in the Hogwarts corridor all those years ago, with the big grin and the big ears that didn't quite fit on his head. He said, completely oblivious to their prior conversation, "I can't believe you guys forgot to give Harry the Map! Boy, that would have been a nightmare! Don't worry, I packed it in his carry-on for you."

And though Lily looked mutely horrified, Hermione had just laughed and laughed and-

"Yeah," she said quietly. A ghost of a smile pulled at her lips. "It was."

Avery's face dropped, and neither one of them said anything for a moment. The fire crackled, and she wished it would just take her now but she knew that wouldn't help anyone.

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