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"He killed my twin brother." I said as I could feel myself get pissed at the fact of just thinking about it. "Wait, what? You had a brother?" Megan asked as she moved closer to me wrapping her arms around my neck. "Yeah, his name was Jason. We looked so much alike it was hard for anyone to tell which one of us was which. The only way to tell was our eyes...his normal eyes were a dark color of brown while mine are light." I said as I took Megan's hand into mine already feeling better then I was before. "Why did Baylor kill him?" She asked as her free hand started to play with my hair. "The three of us were really good friends when we were kids. We didn't care that we were different cause at the time our family's worked together. But, Baylor always hated the fact that one day Jason and I well become kings. When we were 16 there was this girl. She was new to our kingdom, her family were vampires my father wanted them to come and umm have there daughter marry one of us." I said. Megan tensed up and removed her arms away from me making me look at her with a sad look.

"What was her name?" She asked looking down at her hands "Haliey" I looked away from Megan and get up from the bed. "Jason and I hated the idea that our father wanted us to marry someone who wasn't our mate...he told us that if we haven't seen our mate yet by the time we were 16 then that means we would have a human as our mate and we could wait Thousand years until we met them and that's why he wanted us to marry her so we could become kings sooner then what he wanted." I looked down at the floor think about how much me and Jason hated our father that day. "Well, what did you do?" I looked up at Megan to see her looking back at me when our eyes met I could feel my heart start to flutter with love. "We told him that we wanted to wait for our mates to find us before we got married, we wanted to be loved and not forced into it. But, umm our dad made us hang out with Haliey and sometimes Baylor would hang out with us to..he liked her a lot and umm, we went to this party one night. Jason and I got really drunk so we both ended up sleeping with her. Turns out she had set up that night to get both Jason and I so drunk so we could sleep with her."

"Why would she do that?"

"She was in love with Jason and me...and Baylor didn't like it that much" Megan put her hand out asking for mine. I put my hand in hers letting her pull me to her so we put say back down on the bed. "What happened?" She asked as she sat on my lap sideways wrapping her arms around my neck and making me wrap mine around her waist.

"Umm." I paused for a second so I could let out a shaky breath "me and Jason were out in the woods one day doing some things for our father when Baylor and three other Wolfs came out of nowhere and started attacking us. I-I was so caught up in trying to save myself that I thought Jason would be okay but Baylor was so pissed that he was so much stronger then Jason" I said as I started to replay that day in my head. How everything went from 0 to 100 real quick, I felt Megan's thumb wiping away my tears . "Baylor ripped him apart. I had killed the other three guys and I started to go for Baylor but he started running, I followed him b-but he cross the Canadian border and at the time I couldn't go into the US so I went back to Jason so I could take him to my mother and father so we could bury him properly but when I got back there his body was gone and so was two of the wolfs that I had killed. I didn't know where they went or if someone came by and picked them up before I got back but, ever since then my mother and father hated Baylor's family for doing something like that over something so dumb as a girl that wasn't even his mate." I said as Megan pulled me into a hug. I nuzzle my face into the side of her neck taking in her sense.

"What happened to the girl?" She asked in a soft voice "when my mother found out what she had did to me and Jason she told the Baldwin family to go away and never come back, that their daughter was a disgrace. So they left and haven't been back since."

Megan gave me a soft yet loving kiss on my lips before pulling away taking my face in her hands. "I'm sorry that happened to you Jay, but don't make yourself think it was your fault your brother is gone. I'm sure his looking down at you and saying how proud he is of you" she said as she gave me one last kiss. I looked into her eyes loving how they sparkled while looking into mine.

"I love you Kitten"

"I love you too Jay"

The feeling I got from hearing that was the best feeling in the whole damn world.


Hey I updated just like I said I would last night..sorry if I offended anyone last night during my minor update lol I was just pissed off that Justin might be with this bitch. Which btw I just found out that they have known each other for a long time, I didn't know that and I've only just started seeing her hang around Justin last year so who knows I just hope she's gone soon. Like 97% of us Beliebers don't even like her and I wish Justin would listen to us for once.

Anyway enough about that slut lol. What do you guys think about this update?

Is Jason really dead or nah??

Who was that guy from the dream last chapter and who was the Anonymous point of view??

And get ready for the next chapter something you all have been waiting for is gonna happen ;) hehe.

Also I need y'alls help you see that picture that was at the top or the side or whatever. The one of the bed room? Well I want to do that to my wall. I want to take a song from Justin's purpose CD and take a line from a song that's meaningful and put it on my wall so could you guys help me out with that?

If you do want to give me the name of the song that you think would be good and then the line that you think is meaningful and would look good on my wall:) please help me with this it would mean so much to me.

Comment and vote for the story please.

Love ya 😘

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