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As of right now I was walking into Justin's house. After I told him we had to talk he told me he wanted to do it at his house. Alex on the other hand I don't know where she is cause she ran out of the house before I could talk to her.

We walked into the house Justin closing the door behind me. "Justin is that you man?" A voice called out from the living room. "Yeah it me..umm I want you to come here for a sec." Justin said back as he wrapped a arm around me. Soon a guy with shaggy brown hair walked into the room with a pretty girl on his arm. "Guys this is Megan" Justin said making the girl squeal in happiness before pulling me into a hug. Hugging me tight "ahh I can't believe I finally get to met you!!!" The girl squealed she pulled away from the hug holding me at arms length to look at me. "Your some much better looking then Alex! God I hated that bitch so happy she wants Justin's mate." She let go of me before walking back over to the boy who was smiling at me. Mate? What is she talking about?

I look over at Justin to see he gave me a nervous smile before clearing his throat. "Umm babe this is Chaz and his girlfriend Jen" he said nodding his head at them "hi" I said giving a small wave "it's nice to finally meet you Megan" Chaz nodded his hand at me. "We'll see you guys later Jen and I are going to get food" Chaz said before taking Jens hand before walking past us.

"Let's go up to my room so we can talk" Justin said beginning to walk up the steps taking me with him. Soon we walked in to his room. His walls were a dark blue he had a king size bed in the middle of the room. He walks us over to the bed and sits down pulling me with him. "We need to talk." He said stoping for a second to take a breath "there are some things I need to tell you." He said he put his head him is hands "umm I'm not.. I'm not human" he said looking up at me his eyes slowly turning blue. I couldn't help it I let out a small giggle "what are you talking about Justin?" I asked "I'm not human Megan" he said sitting up "what do you mean?" I asked.

Justin let out a sigh before getting up from the bed turning his back to me running his hands though his hair. Turning back to face me "I mean that I'm not like you. I'm dangerous...a monster" he lets out a shaky breath. "Your not a monster Justin" I said "yes I am. Maybe not to you but to other people I can be. Especially if they piss me off" he said "so your saying you get pissed off easily? Like your bipolar?" I asked looking at him. "No." "Then what do you mean?" I asked getting up from the bed throwing my arms in the air. "I'm a vampire" he whispered so quietly I almost didn't hear it. "What?" I asked letting out a small laugh. "This isn't fucking funny! I'm trying to tell you something and you take it as a joke!" He yelled his eyes turning alittle red.

"How can I take you seriously when your saying your a vampire?! Their not real Justin." I said shaking my head "but I am one Megan and your my mate!" He yelled. I looked at him trying to put all of this together. "All those dreams you have ever hand since the time you were 7 with me in them they are a look into our future or things that could happen or things that might never happen!! That..that feeling you got when we first met at Alex's house!! Your the reason my eyes are purple!! The feeling you get when we kiss or hug or..anything when we touch!! All of that happens because you are the love of my life and we'll be together forever. I love you! And I know you love me too." He said as his eyes sparkled a purple color. I could feel my heart jump in my chest at what he just said. It made me feel some type of way.

"How do I know your not lying?" I asked "how do I know your not just saying this?" Before I could even blink my back was against the wall that was across the room and Justin's lips on mine. He pulled me close to him letting me feel all of him as my hands run through his hair.

Justin picks up my right leg and wraps it around his waist so that he could be closer to me. Running his tongue across my bottom lip letting me know he wants in. Giving into his want I let his tongue fight with mine. He pushes himself into me letting me feel how turned on he was by kissing me. "I want you..so fucking bad" he growled moving from my lips to my neck making me let out a shaky breath "you can have me" I say making Justin grown picking up and running over to the bed. He throws his shirt off before he clams on top of me. "Your so beautiful my love" he said looking into my eyes. He brings his lips back to mine kissing me hungrily.

After awhile he began to play with my shirt trying to take it off and just as he was about to the door bell rang. "Fuck why now" he hissed "I'll go see who it is" I said but he pushed me back down to the bed "no fuck them they can go away I want to make you mine now!" He hissed licking his lips "Jay just let me go see who it is then we can go back to want we were doing" I said as he began to kiss my neck again. "No I want you now" he said kissing and sucking at my neck. I let out a moan just as the door bell rang again "Justin let me go see who it is then I'll tell them to go away or something I'll be back in a minute. Two minutes tops." I said pushing him away from me. "Fine but if your not back by then in coming to get you and I'm fucking you in the living room floor" he said with a smirk moving off of me.

Letting out a giggle I get up from the bed and make my way down to the door. Just as I reach the bottom step the person rang the doorbell three times at ones making me roll my eyes at how impatient this person was.

Opening the door I came face to face with a girl with dark colored hair. She was wearing a sparkly red dress that showed too much skin for my likening It looked like something you would fine someone wearing to a clue when there trying to be sluttly for the night "may I help you?" I asked watching as she looked me over giving me a nasty look "umm yes I'm looking for Prince Justin is he hear?" She asked "um yes?" I said more as a question wondering what this girl wanted with Justin. "Well can I see him then?" She said bitchy giving me a eye roll "don't get bitchy with me. I do t give a fuck who you are." I said making her roll her eyes again "the Bieber's really have shity help" she said more to herself then to me. "I'm not the help" I said "yeah okay what ever you say honey now run along and go get me my man" she said with a smirk on her face.

Her man?

Who the hell is she talking about? Did Justin lie? Was he saying all of that stuff just to sleep with me? "Baby who's at the door" Justin's voice was heard as he sped down the steps and over to me wrapping his arms around me not looking at the girl at the door just yet. "I don't know. She asking for you thought" I said looking at Justin who gives me a confused look before looking at the girl at the door. As soon as he made eye contact with her his arms tighten around me pulling me closer then before. "Hey baby haven't seen you in about 100 years" the girl said with a sluttly smirk making Justin's eyes turn red.

"Selena what the fuck are you doing here?!"


Before I get hated on for what is about to happen now that Selena is here. I just want to say that I do not like her so if you don't like the way I'm gonna make her in this story then I suggest you either stop bringing it the story or get over it. I know some beliebers like Selena or whatever but I do not like her at all and I would appreciate if y'all excepted that. We all are allowed to have our own opinion. If you like her good for you👏🏼 I can't tell you who to like and who not to like and I except y'all do the same. So if I do offend any of you Selena Gomez fans I just want to say sorry ahead a time.


what do you guys think is gonna happen?

Who is Selena to Justin?

Well Justin and Megan get together anytime soon?

Should I make them have sex soon? or later in the story? How many chapters until that happens?

Should there be a baby or nah?🤔

What do you want to happen besides the obvious?  lol

Do you have a good or bad feeling about Selena?

If Justin and Megan do have a baby what do you want them to have?

Would you guys like Justin to tell Megan more about being a vampire?

What do you guys any for Christmas? I want bieber tickets but I don't think I'm going to get them 😞

If I get 3 or more comments on each question I gave I well update again on Wednesday.

If I don't then I hope y'all have a great Christmas.

Oh and if you could please check out my other stories that would mean so much to me. Anyway thanks again for reading and I hope y'all have a happy holiday

Love ya 😘😜 lol

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