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I looked around in the dark area trying to find a way out of here. As I look to the left I saw a nice little house that had the lights on and looks like they have a fire going. I started to make my way up to it slowly. Once I get close to the house I take in its beauty it looked like something out of a movie that you would watch on lifetime. I open the white gate and make my way up the stone path. I walk up to the door and ring the doorbell I step back a little as I look around the outside that looks so much better up close. "Kitten!" Someone says just as arms wrapped around me. "God I thought I lost you" said the voice I looked at the person who had hugged me to see that it was Justin.

"Justin what's going on?" I asked as he putted away from me but not letting go of me "I can't explain everything to you right now but you must come inside" he took a hold of my hand and pulled my into the cute house. "Where are we going?" I asked him as he started to take me up the steps.

We walk down a long hall way and walk into a room at the end of the hall. "This is my room...you can sit in the bed I'll be back" he said as he walked out of the room. I sit on the King size bed as I looked around the room I've seen maybe ones or four times in dreams of mine. The walls are a blue color and the floor was wood floors. His bed was really soft and it smelt good. The door opened letting me know that Justin was back in the room.

He had this old looking boxes in his hand. He walked over to me as he sat down on the bed with me. He closed his eyes and let out a breath of air. "What's that?" I asked as I pointed at the box "umm its for you" he said as he handed to me. I look at him weird before taking it out of his hands. I put it in my lap as I open it up to see The most beautiful necklace I've ever seen. I picked it up in my hand making it glow purple. It looked like a Siegel in a way almost like the Hollister logo. "You have to ware it....and you must never take it off until I tell you to otherwise okay baby?" He said as he took the necklace out of my hands and put it in for me. Once he clipped it on it shine a bright light purple before it went back to normal.

"What does this thing mean Jay?" As I pointed at the Bird like thing. He pulls his shirt up a little to see the same symbol on his lower left him right by his V-line "it's my family crest...everyone in our pack is either born with it or it shows up once they mate with there soul mate. And since we're the Royal family we have a necklace that keeps our mates protected from other creatures. So when I'm not with you and something try's to kill you they can't cause this necklace keeps you safe from everything as long as it stays around your neck. It also can tell me when you are hurt or in trouble.. and emotional."  He said as he looked at me with a serious look.

"So it can like put a Force Field around me?" I asked making Justin chuckle a little bit "yeah I guess it's something like that" he said "but no matter what never take it off not until I say otherwise" he said before kissing my forehead.

"But I'm lost is this all real? Is this not a dream? Cause the last dream I had I got hurt really bad." I said as I pulled up my shirt to show him the cut marks I woke up with from my last dream with the wolf. I watched as Justin's eyes went from his normal brown color to a blue for a second then red. He let out a growl as his hand made its way to my stomach. "Does it hurt? Are you okay baby?" He asked as he looked up at me as his eyes go back and forth from blue to purple. "It doesn't hurt at the moment but it hurts when I'm wake I guess if that's what you want to call it." I said as I put my shirt down only to make just growl and slowly push me into my back in the bed he pulls me up so that my head in on the pillow he opens my legs so he could lay in between them before he pulls my shirt up so its just under my bra. He looks at the cuts that are in my  stomach. His left hand comes up and he starts to rub them before leavening kisses all over my stomach. I close my eyes in bliss loving the feeling he was giving me. After what felt like hours of him doing that when only it was a few minutes he stops making me open my eyes to see him over top of me. "Everything is okay now baby girl you won't get hurt anymore and soon we can be together and not just in our dreams...ill see you soon and when I do you better have this on I can't have anything happen to you my love" Justin said as he gave me a sweet kiss.

Sitting up in bed I looked around the room to see I was still in the guess room at Alex's house I looked down to see I had the necklace around my neck. Maybe this really isn't a dream and it's like another world? I pick my shirt up alittle bit to see that the marks are no longer there.

Had Justin made them go away when he was touching and kissing me or am I crazy and nothing was never there in the first place?

Just as I was about to get out of bed the door opened making Alex walk in with a fake smile on her face "Meg's there is this really hot guy down stairs asking for you? I've never seen him before and Justin's coming over in alittle bit too" she said who is she talking about? I've only meet Justin and that one guy from the mall. "Did he say his name? Cause I don't know anyone besides your boyfriend" I said suddenly making me pissed at the fact she had Justin when I only had him in my dreams.

"Yeah he said his name is Baylor?"


Ohhhh shit😱 what do you guys think his doing there? How do you think Justin is gonna take when he sees then together? What do you guys want to happen next. Give me your thoughts on the story and maybe more then just update? I really like when you tell me what you think should happen and stuff like that.

Anyways I'm sorry that I took forever to update but I have a lot going on right now but I'll try and update more😀

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