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Authors point of view.

Justin, Jason and, Megan were on they're way to the Doctors to find out how many kids Justin and Jason would have. But what they didn't know was someone was thinking up of a plan.

A plan that was gonna hurt someone very much. This person didn't care what they did as long as they got what they wanted at the end of it. They didn't care if they had to kill they were gonna make sure they got the thing they wanted. They had a close eye on want they wanted for some time now and they couldn't wait anymore they had to take what's theirs.

As Justin was driving to the doctors he couldn't help but feel as if something was gonna go wrong today. He couldn't help but feel this way and it was pissing him off as to why he would feel this way. Today should be a happy day..he should be happy and smiling that he was gonna get to find out just how many kids he was gonna have.

As Justin came to a stop at the red light he put his hand on Megan's upper leg getting the feeling of love every time they touch. Megan closes her eyes as she lets out a sigh of happiness. I mean why shouldn't she be happy? She had Justin's hand on her leg while Jason was sitting behind her playing with her hair and they were gonna see their babies today. What could make this day any better?

The song Die A Happy Man  by Thomas Rhett started to play which make Megan squeal in happiness since she was in love with the song at the moment. She sang to it softy. "And I know that I can't ever tell you enough That all I need in this life is your crazy love If I never get to see the Northern lights Or if I never get to see the Eiffel Tower at night Oh, if all I got is your hand in my hand Baby, I could die a happy man" Megan sang just as Justin started to drive again. Just as Justin was gonna make the right turn a car came speeding so fast they didn't even see it come as it crashed right into the side of the car.  The car began to flip once... twice and a couple more times before it landed upside down.

Megan blink her eyes a couple times before looking over to the left to see Justin was knocked out and hand some blood running down his forehead. "Justin?!" Megan said as she began to panic she tried unbuckle her seatbelt but it was stuck. She turned to look back at Jason to see that he was knocked out too but had some cuts on his face. "Jason!?" She yelled as the tears began to start. She tried to pull the seatbelt but it wasn't moving. She let out a cry of help when she saw feet making there way to her.

Megan's eyes start to get heavy as she calls out weekly for the stranger to help. The feet stop on the side of Megan's door before they rip the door off its hinges. The last thing Megan see is the person smirking before everything goes black.


OKAY?! Don't kill me?! I'm so sorry that I haven't update in so long but you know why I didn't update and I'm also sorry that this is so a short.

Did you guys like this?

Do you know who it was that Megan saw? If you did who do you think it is and why?

Did you read Broken promises yet? If you did what did you think of it? And if you didn't THEN GO READ IT PLEASE lol!!

I hope you guys like it :)

Love ya 💋

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