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For the past two weeks Justin has been acting weird. I'm not sure what happened but after Justin saw the mark that was on my left hip he started to smile but then he started going crazy talking about how he thinks that his brother Jason is alive and that I'm his mate too but he doesn't get why the mark is whole if that was true. His also a lot more loving then he was before with me I don't know if it's cause we mated or if this whole "Jason's alive" thing is getting to him way more then it should be.

Today me and Jen are going out to do somethings while Chaz said he would help get Justin's mind at ease about Jason being gone. I made my way down the stairs and made my way into the living room to see Jen Chaz Justin and Pattie. "Hey guys" I said as I walked over to sit next to Justin "hey baby" Justin says as he pulls me into his lap instead of me sitting next to him. He wraps his arms around me pulling me closer to him and he buried his face into my neck and left a couple kisses there. "So Megan would you mind if I tagged along with you and Jen today?" Asked Pattie "of course you can come with us Pattie you don't even have to ask" I say with a smile

Pattie and I have became really close the past two weeks and she's the best. "I didn't want to intrude on your girls day with your friend" she gave me a smile "no it's okay we would love for you to come" I say back "I'm gonna go and get ready then" Pattie says as she gets up and walks out the room.

"I'm going to get ready too Megan I'll see you in a little bit" Jen said as she got up and walked out the room "Justin we should get going" said Chaz as he got up from where he was sitting "nooo I don't want to go just yet" he said as he held on to me tighter then before "Justin the faster we leave the faster we come home and you can be with Megan" Chaz said back. See that's another then that Justin has been doing. He doesn't like to leave me alone for so long it's like what ever he dreamed the night we mated scared the shit out of him. When we go out to do something Justin is so cautious with driving like he's afraid we're going to crash or when we went over to Alex's the other day to get my things he made sure that she wants home and that I stayed in the car. "Jay I'm leaving soon so you should just go now I promise when you get home it can just be me and you locked away in our room." I said to him as I hold his faces in my hands "you promise?" He asked as his eyes turned that really pretty purple "I promise now go" I said giving him a kiss before I get up off of him letting him get up.

"I love you"

"I love you too Justin now go do what you gonna do"

He kisses me one last time before he and Chaz make there way out of the house. Just as the door closes both Pattie and Jen make there way down the stairs. "You guys ready?" I asked them grabbing the keys. They both nodded and we made our way out the door.

Our girls day was fun, we got our nails done we went shopping we went and got something to eat and we saw a movie but before we could go home there was one last thing I wanted to do.

"Are you sure this how you want to do it?" Asked Jen as she looked at all the different ideas "I'm positive! Justin is gonna love this" I said with a big smile "oh I can't wait to see what he is gonna say, awe I'm so happy for you too!" Pattie said as she gave me a tight hug as she pulls away I let out a happy sigh just as the door to the room opens "Megan? We're ready for you now"


"I'm telling you man, there is positively no way that Jason -your brother is alive. Even if some witch put a spell on him there is no way he is alive...I'm sorry" said Alfredo I let out a sigh and pull at my hair "but your saying if he was alive we would both have Megan as a mate right?" I asked trying to make some sense out of this supposed dream that I had "yes, if Jason was alive -which he isn't you would both have Megan as your mate"

My Best Friend's Boyfriend (A Justin Bieber Vampire love story)Where stories live. Discover now