27. Jason's date

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Today I would be spending my whole day with Jason. It had been a couple of days since Bitch 1 and Bitch 2 have in to the house. According to King Jeremy they had to stay in the house until he says otherwise. I don't like it and I definitely don't like them. I hate the way they both look at Justin or Jason and it pisses me off.

But let's not talk about them today is all about me and Jason and tomorrow is all about Justin and I.

Jason hasn't told me where he was talking me but he told me to wear my bathing suit. So that what i did I have one on for those Indian print ones Victoria secret and on top of that I have a cute little sun dress with my hair up in a bun. I walk out of the bathroom to see Justin sitting on the bed with a sad look on his face "why can't I just have you for both days and we forget all about Jason?" Justin asked as he got up and wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his chest.

"Jay that's not very nice you know his my mate too." I said as I hug him he lets out a sigh holding me tighter to his body. "I know baby but I just miss it just being me and you..I sometimes wish it was only us but I know that won't happen and I'm happy my brother is here" he said as he pulls us away from the hug he gives me a small kiss on the lips "I love you and I hope you have a lovely day with Jason I'll see you tomorrow morning cause I don't know when he is bringing you home." He kisses me again before telling me that Jason is waiting in the car for me. I say bye to Justin saying a 'I love you' before I make my way to Jason.

As I walked to the car I see Jason leaning up against it with sunglasses on and a big smile on his face. "Hey baby girl you ready for our date?" He asked as he wraps his arms around me giving me a kiss "I'm ready. Are you gonna tell me where we are going?" I asked with a giggle as he kisses my noes "no can do baby girl you'll just have to find out when we get there." He said giving me a wink he walks us to the other side of the car opening the door for me. Once I was inside he closed the door and made it over to his side and got in. He started the car and started to make his way down the drive way. "So your really not gonna tell me where we are going?" I asked with a small laugh "nope but I know you'll like it. It's a very special place to me and I would love to share it with you." He said as he took my hand in his before bringing it up to his lips and giving it a kiss. "Then I'm happy that you want to take me here with you" I said with a smile.

As we made our way to god knows where me and Jason talked about everything that we could think of. After what seen like forever we finally pulled up besides some woods. Jason gets out of the car and makes it around to my side to open my door for me. "Jase why are we by the woods?" I asked as he took my hand and began walking to the woods. "Cause there's something that I want you to see." We got further into the woods making Jason stop walking "get on my back" he said "what? Why?" I gave him a look of confusion he let out a little chuckle "baby it's a long walk and I don't want your feet to hurt plus we'll get there faster if you got on my back so I can run there." He said giving me a smile.

I let out a sigh before nodding my head then getting on his back "hold on" he said making me wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso I closed my eyes tight I started to feel like I was flying it felt weird yet cool at the same time. After about 5 minutes Jason came to a stop letting me down gently "we're here baby" he whispered in my ear making me open my eyes.

I let out a gasp at what was in front of me. A beautiful waterfall with a small pond (picture at the top👆🏼) "what do you think baby?" Jason asked as he wrapped his arms around me "it's beautiful Jason" I said "come on let's go for a swim" he takes my hand walking closer to the water he starts taking things off so he can get in the water. I take my sundress off before I walk over to Jason.

He put his hands on my hips bringing me closer to him. "You can see your getting a bump" he said with a smile as his thumb rubs my skin "I know I can't believe it it's so amazing how there are little people inside of me. I can't believe it" I said as I look down at my belly putting my hands on it. "I can't believe my baby is in side of you...like its amazing and in a couple days we get to find out just how many you'll be having." He said with a smile as he looks in to my eyes. "Will you be able to tell how many you and Justin will be having?" I asked "no we won't know until a month before we find out the sex of the babies" he said with a smile. "Come on" he pulled me by my hand into the water.

We play around in the water for while kissing and splashing each other. After while the sun started to go down so Jason pulled me with him to go behind the waterfall where there was a little picnic set up for us. "Awe Jason this is so cute" I said as I give him a kiss on the lips. We sit down on the blanket he has down "so what are we having?" I asked looking at him as he opens the basket "where gonna have peanut butter jelly sandwiches and for dessert will have cannolis" he said as he gave me my sandwich. "So are you having a good time?" He asked as he takes a bite of his PB&J "yes I love this place it's cute and romantic thank you for taking me here babe" I said as I took a bite of my food. "Can I have a cannoli?" Jason looked up at me a little nervous before nodding his head he gave me a cannoli. "Why do you look so nervous?" I asked with a little giggle "no reason" he said giving me a little smile. I nodded my head giggle long a little bit "what ever you say" I say before I take bite only to bite into something really hard "ouch" I said as I take the thing out of my mouth "what's this?" I asked as I cleaned the cannoli cream off it to see that it's a ring.

 "Jason" I gasped as I looked at the ring

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"Jason" I gasped as I looked at the ring. He takes it from my hand and takes my left hand in his. "Megan I know we haven't known each other for long and I know this is all weird for you with having both me and Justin as your mates but I want you to know that I love you just has much as Justin does even tho it's only been a small time that we have known each other. I'm so happy that you'll be having my child and I can't wait for him/her to be here so that I can hold him/her in my arms and look at them in the eyes to see something that the both of us have created together...and with this ring I want to make a promise to you that I'll always be here for you and our baby forever and I want to marry you some day soon....so Megan will you take this ring and make that promise with me?"

I looked into his eyes that have that dark purple color looking at me lovingly making my heart beat faster then before "yes Jason I'll make this promise to you" I said as my eyes start to tear up. Jason gives me a big smile before putting the ring on my ring finger. "I love you" he said as he gave me a kiss on the lips "I love you too Jason"


I know this is short and I didn't really go into a lot of details for this chapter. But I don't really feel that good to day plus I'm kinda pissed off cause my doctor was supposed to call today to tell me when they want to take my gallbladder out which they didn't do. But I found out that I'll be in and out of the hospital the same day so that's good but I'll be very tired for the first week after its done and I won't want to eat that much so yeah I might update a lot more or I might just sleep not sure yet lol.

But tomorrow I'll update Justin's date just cause it's Justin's birthday  -his gonna be 22 y'all 😭😭😭- I'm gonna make his and Megan's date a little bit more special and longer cause y'all seem to like him better -plus it's his birthday might give him alittle birthday sex in the next chapter 😉?-

If you have any suggested for the date I'm opened minded I already have some of the things I want to do in mind but if you want to give me some other ideas maybe I'll work that into the next chapter some how.

I hope y'all like this chapter even if I feel bad for not making it better like I wanted it to be.

I'll update tomorrowwwww HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY TO OUR BABY JUSTIN!!!! Love him so much can't believe his 22 already 😭😪

Love y'all 😘😁

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