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The car was quite as Justin drives back to the house...the house I haven't been in for 7 years. I was happy to be back..away from Haliey. I was happy to see my family and friends again but I'm mostly happy to know that me and Justin have found her.

God was she beautiful. Her sink was the perfect tan her body was sexy as fuck her smile made my heart melt and her eyes. Fuck her eyes were the best thing. They were that hazel color that I could look it to all day. I can't wait to kiss her and hear her say that she loves me.

"I can't take it any more" Justin hissed to himself "how the fuck are you alive Jason!" Justin yelled as he hit his hand on the steering wheel. "I was founded" I said looking away from Megan to Justin. "What do you mean someone found you?! I saw you! y-you were ripped apart!" He said with a shaky voice. "Well.."

🤓 7 years earlier🤓

"I can't fucking believe dad bro" Justin his as was walked through the woods looking to see if there was anything that wasn't supposed to be out here. "I mean why can't he just let us find our mates?" He said as a small growl came from his lips "yeah, I know I don't get why he wants us the be with Haliey I mean out of all people why her?" I asked more to myself then my brother. "I don't know man. Then that little shit she pulled the other night at Matt's party! That fucking pissed me off" he hissed making me think about that night could only make my brothers and my eyes that blood red anyone would run away from. "She's a little slut that's what the fuck she is I don't know what she was trying to do but if she was trying to make us love her then she's a fucking crazy bitch" I hissed back "anyway how you had any dreams of your mate yet?" Justin asked looking over at me. For some reason I haven't had any dreams of my mate yet but Justin has his. I don't get that because I remember listening in on to my father one night when he was on the phone to someone saying how me and Justin would share a mate since we were twins. At first I didn't believe it until I looked in to it I didn't tell Justin tho. But I didn't get why I haven't seen her in mine? And I couldn't ask anyone cause I wasn't supposed to know about it yet. "Ah no. What about you what happened in your dream last night you seemed happy this morning?" I asked like I did every day just so I could hear about her to see what she would be like when we do meet one day. I watched as a big smile made its way onto my brothers face "last night it was a look into our future of what might happened her eyes were a mixed between a light purple and a dark purple they were so beautiful just like her...and she was pregnant! We also had 4 other kids besides the one that was in her growing. Dude that dream gave me that best fucking feeling in the world..I can't wait to meet her" Justin as his smile grow bigger also making my heart flutter at the feeling knowing one or two of those four kids had to be mine. God I can't wait to see her. Just as I was about to open my mouth there was a loud cracking noise making me and Justin both stop and listen to see if we can hear anything. "What was that?" I asked looking around us "I don't know but I have a feeling there not friendly" he said before another loud sounded was heard. Just then out of nowhere four wolfs jumped out with teeth showing "Baylor what the fuck man?! We don't have time for this shit" Justin said. Baylor step forward growling at me and Justin "dude we said we can't do this shit right now so back the fuck off and go away we'll hang later" I said with my hands up "you fuck heard fucked my girl" Baylor mind inked us. "What the fuck are you talking about?" Justin asked "you two fucked Haliey last night at the party" he said "what no she got us drunk and slept with us we had nothing to do with that bro" I said with a little chuckle "if anything it was your 'girls' fault for being a slut" I asked as I put air quotes around the world girl. "You take that back Bieber right now!" He growled "he's just talking the truth Baylor clam down" Justin said "it's not our faults that she wants our dicks and not your" I said making me and Justin laugh alittle "that's it!!" Baylor yelled before he barked before they charged at us. (Think of the battle scene at the end of Breaking dawn part 2 but just how they were runing and things lol just bear with me it 1:00am where I am right now) I flipped the one wolf over me just as Justin hit Baylor making him fly into a tree. Baylor soon got up and started to run for Justin but I jumped him making us both roll ended with him on top of me his teeth snarled as slobber fell from his mouth "your a dead man Bieber!" He said just as he went to bite me in the face I took ahold of his mouth to stop him but he was stronger then me from how angry he was and I tried to get him off of me. Just as I got the strength to push him off his mouth got away from my hands and bites my shoulder and that's when everything went black.


"Is he gonna be okay now cat?" A voice I couldn't quite pick out said "yes, everything should be fine..I mean you got him here just in time before they could come back to finish him off not many people know that some spells cause bring back a dead vampire" another voice says "so he'll be just fine nothing will be wrong with him? He'll be just the same as before this all happened right?" I hear the voice of my father say making me confused as to what was going on. "Yes King Jeremy he'll be fine" I let out a growl as I open my eyes to see three faces looking back at me "Baby your okay!!" Haliey yelled making me hiss at her when she tried to come and give me a hug "stay the hell away from me you psychotic bitch!" I yelled sitting up from where I was laying a small smirk made its way on to her face "baby don't talk that way to the girl who just saved you" she said as she wrapped her arms around me "I don't give a fuck your the reason I was like that in the first place for fucking Justin and I when we were drunk" I said as I pushed her arms off of me "enough!" My fathers voice boomed in the room making us all jump alittle "Jason you'll be staying with Haliey until I say" he said giving me that look with his red eyes that every chance color only when looking at my mother do they change to that purple color "what do you mean?" I asked "I mean is you'll be staying with them until I say you can come home until then I do not want to see you in this kingdom until further notice"

                     😎 now😎

"So dad made you stay away for 7 years? To live with Haliey? Why? Is that why your back now? Did he tell you to come how?" Justin asked angrily "yeah he asked me to stay away but I'm back because I saw Megan the other day at the mall and I want to be with her. Finally after all these year I get to see your beautiful face." I said looking over at Megan as she blushes looking down at her lap making me smirk knowing I already have an affect on her.

The car got quite as we sit out front of our house letting the story I had just told Justin sink in. He let out a sigh before opening the door and getting out. As both me and Megan get out I take her hand in mine as Justin wraps his arm around her waist as we walked to the door of the house.

As we walked into the house Justin called out for our mother making her walk out from the kitchen "yes swee-" she began to say but stopped when she looked over to lock eyes with me putting her hand over her mount as her eyes began to water just as she was about to talk someone walked out of the kitchen making my stomach drop.


Ik Ik this chapter sucked but it was the best I can do buuuut at least I made it up to you but giving you that sexy/cute/adorable gif at the top. God why is Justin so cute?

Anyway I have some questions

1) what do you think of Jason?

2) what do you think of King Jeremy?

3) y'all ready for a 😱👅💦 next chapter?😉😘😍

4) is there a certain pet name you guys would like Justin to call Megan and a certain pet name for Jason to call Megan?

5) how do you feel that Justin is gonna be 22 IN TWO MONTHS?!😰😱😭😭

Lol anyway I hope y'all like it and I hope y'all have a good day or what ever it is there where you are when you read this.

Love ya 😘😀

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