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At the sound of the voice I turns around to come face to face with "Damon?!" Said both Jason and I "the one and only" Damon said with a smirk on his face, he let out a evil chuckle before moving alittle bit closer to Megan, Jason and, I. "Why did you take her?!!" I yelled only making Damon angry. "Now you see Justin, how could I not take her? I mean look at her she's a beautiful little thing" he goes to move closer to Megan but Jason blocks his way. Damon steps closer to Jason and pushed him alittle. "You know lover boy, you don't scare me" he said as Jason let out a growl.

Damon goes to move closer to Megan but Jason goes to push him out the way but he only ends up in the air and across the room into the wall "what the hell!" I yelled moving closer to him "I'm not scared of you either Loverboy" Damon says as he goes to though a punch at me but I catch it with my hand and twist his arm before throwing him into the wall.

I watch as he slowly gets up from the floor "you might be stronger then your brother I give you that, but your not as strong as me" he said with a smirk before he run over to me trying to make in attempt to tackle me but I grab him and slam to the ground before he could do so. I get on top of him as I start throwing punches, I look up at Jason when I hear him make a sound but that was a bad idea cause Damon hits me in the side making me fall over.

He now is on top of me pinning me to the ground so I can't move. He gets closer to my face and whispers so only I could hear him "when I'm done with you and your brother I'm going to fuck your little mate so hard that she will forget all about you and your brother" Damon lets out that creepy laugh of his. I could feel my blood boiling I used all the strength I could and threw him off of me and into the wall on the other said of the room. I run over to him as he try's to get up but I kick him back down again. "Don't you ever say something like that to me ever again you asshole!" I yelled as I kicked him repeatedly until I knew he wasn't getting back up for a minute or two I nailed down next to him and gripped his hair with my hand to pull up his face from the floor "you get me?" I said to him I wait for a second for him to say something but when he doesn't I bang his head into the floor "I said do you get me?" I asked again and this time he nods his head. I get up kicking me one last time before walking over to Megan to make sure she was okay.

"Are you okay love?" I asked holding her face in my hands as I looked over her face "I'm okay just really sleepy and  my body kinda hurts" she said looking down at her belly making me look down at her stomach too "how are they doing Kitten?" I asked "good I think but go check on Jase make sure his okay" I nodded my head giving her a kiss before I go over to Jason.

"Bro are you okay?" I asked as I got next to him. He was sitting up against the wall and having a hard time breathing. "Yeah let's just get out of here before Damon wakes up" he said holding out his hand for me to help him up with. I slowly help him up but just as I get him to stand up on his own Megan lets out a cry of pain making me turn around to see something that's almost heart breaking.


Ik I haven't updated in forever so I thought I'd update and give you guys an update and a little cliffhanger to keep y'all on your toes. If I get answers to these questions I'll try and update by Friday

1. What is something you want to happen?

2. What do you think is wrong with Jason?

3. What's gonna happen to Megan?

4. What do you think is gonna happen?

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