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                                                                         *7 months later* 

The past 5 months have gone by so fast! Everything has been going so well between Justin and I and this pregnancy has been going good so far well besides the whole getting sick almost everyday thing. Justin and I haven't found out the sex of the baby yet. Just to let you know, if you ever happen to get yourself a vampire boyfriend and you get knocked up. Don't follow anything Twilight tells you... 'cause they make it look and seem that she isn't pregnant for that long.

 I also thought that I would start to be drinking a lot of blood like Bella does but that isn't the case either. so far its like any normal pregnancy, with my mood all over the place eating a lot of weird things and getting sick almost everyday. I will say that I feel the baby growing a lot faster then I think a normal baby would. Like one night maybe a month or so into the pregnancy, Justin and I were laying cuddled up in bed watching a Netflix show (that I don't know the name of) I feel the baby kick. Justin had moved his hands so fast from my belly to turn me over onto my back so that he could lay between my legs and put his face on my belly and talked to the baby to make them kick again. I don't think ive ever seen Justin that happy watching his face when he puts his hand on my belly and feels the baby move or kick. its like telling a little kid that they can get any toy the want in a toy store.

Justin says that we should find out the sex of the baby today and then we half a month left before the baby comes.


Justin's voice is heard from the bedroom. 

I was getting ready in the bathroom so that we could go and find out what the sex of the baby is. "i'm in  the bathroom babe" I call back to Justin. A second later Justin appears in the mirror "hey you almost ready?" he asked as he walks up behind me and wraps his arms around me giving me a small but loving kiss to my neck. "im ready. ugh I cant wait to find out what we are having" I say in excitement "I cant either love, today is gonna be an amazing day" Justin whispers into my ear as he looks into my eyes through the mirror.

"What do you think the baby is gonna be?" I ask

"A boy" 

"Really? so do I" I say as I lay my arms on top of Justin's. "lets get going we don't want to be late" Justin said as he takes my hand and pulls me out of the room and down the steps. As we are about to walk out the front door Pattie walks out of the kitchen wiping her hands on a hand towel. "are you two off to find out the sex of the baby?" Pattie asked as she walks over to us and put her hand on my belly. "Yes! I cant wait to find out what we are having" I say with a big smile on my face. 

"That's how I felt when I went to find out what Justin and Jason were. finding out the sex of the baby is such an amazing part of the pregnancy." she said as she gave me her big loving smile. "we better go mom. we don't want to be late" Justin says in a happy voice. "call me after okay?" Pattie says as she has this weird look in her eye that I cant tell what it is. I turn my head to look at Justin and he has the same look in his eyes and he looks like if he was to smile any bigger his face would start to hurt. "we will Pattie!" I say as I give her a hug.

I take Justin's hand and we walk out of the house to the car.

Once we are in the car Justin starts it up and backs out of the drive way. "have you heard anything from Chaz and Jen?" asked Justin as he puts his hand on my lap as he beings to drive down the road. "ive texted with Jen here and there she has been asking about when we will find out the sex of the baby. I think she is almost as happy as we are to find out what we are having" I say with a little laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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