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Lol okay before I start I just got to say it... Justin's dick must be really good 'cause his got Selena destroying her kitchen -Ik this is old but bear with me- and calling up Kourtney Kardashian cause they were seen leaving a Hotel a few months back. I mean she scared that if he moves one that she won't have anyone to help her be known to everyone. Then his got this little ugly bitch ass Haliey Baldwin up his ass like a little Selena. There acting like a couple but I just read this story the other day and apparently he ended things with her because she was "catching feelings" and all they were was "Friends with benefits" and now Justin's putting his dick into Kourtney Kardashian like damn Justin I love you but damn what the hell are you doing 😂 I believe his trying to get over Selenas bitch ass cause there is no way Pattie raced him to be putting his dick into anything he thinks is good looking. Lol I love him but I want to hit him upside the head like damn. Lmao anyways here you guys go love ya.

Btw that's Damon^


"Ahh if it isn't Prince Justin just the Bieber I was looking for" said Damon as he gives me a creepy smirk as he folded his hands in front of them. "D-Damon what are you d-doing here?" I stumbled over my words as i looked into his blood red eyes. "I've heard some news that the Prince has found his mate...and we have a little problem don't we?" He asked as he pushed his way into the house, he walked further into the house closer to the steps that go up to the bedrooms.

I bet you want to know who this guy is, right?

You know how in The twilight Saga New Mow they had the Volturi? Well that's what he is.

The Volturi are the largest and most powerful coven of vampires. They enforce the laws of the vampire world. The Volturi act as the unofficial royalty in the world of vampires, and are an incredibly influential coven. They act as guardians, keeping the secret society of vampires hidden from the human world as needed. They often send their agents to travel from Volterra to prevent overzealous covens from exposing vampires through mass eradication of every vampire (and any humans) present. All though my father is King they overrule him. My father might be the leader of his kingdom but Damon is the leader on all vampires and supernatural creatures. Stephanie Meyers had gotten some of the things they do right in the book.

They are kinda like cops I guess you can say. If you don't follow what they say they'll come to you and do one or two things.

One, kill you


Two, take your mate and lock them way leaving you to have a slow and painful death. Sometimes -but not much- they well kill your mate in front of you instead.

So you can see why this man is so scary. His also who Selena was talking about the other day when she said them. Damon is the leader of the Volturi and usually has Stefan and Matt follow him everywhere but for some reason there not here right now and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

"This is such a lovely home you have here young prince. It would be lovely to start a family in no?" He asked as he moved closer to me "y-yes sir me and Megan are trying to have a little one we have been trying every night for the pass week or so." I said as I looked at him trying not to show my fear to him. "Ah but young prince that well not happen as you can see she has another mate as well and, as you must know the only way for her to fall pregnant is for they other to mate with her as well as you I'm I correct?" He walked alittle closer to me making me swallow the big lump in my throat. "Yes sir I just found that out today." I said as I licked my lips "ah good so now that you know then I'll tell you why I'm here" he said just as we hear steps coming down the steps making as both turn to look at who was coming down. "Jay I have to go to Alex's to get m-" Megan's voice stopped mid sentence when her eyes lay on Damon making her freezes in her spot. I looked over at Damon to see that he had a small smirk played on his face seeing her. "Umm baby why do you need to go to her house at this time at night?" I asked as I made my way over to her wrapping my arms around her tightly to make sure he doesn't try anything on her. Megan slowly looked away from him to look at me "I-I need to talk to her a-and get my things if you want me to stay h-here." She said as she began to shake with fear. "How about I take you after I talk to my friend here okay baby girl?" I asked her making her nod her head fast before muttering under her breath that she'll be up in our room before running up the steps.

My Best Friend's Boyfriend (A Justin Bieber Vampire love story)Where stories live. Discover now