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"Tell him I'll be down in a second." I said as I get up off the bed. Alex nodded before she walked out the room. I walked over to where I had my clothes. Opening my bag I took out some skinny jeans that have holes in them with a tie-dyed shirt that has my name on it. After I got ready I went down the stairs to see Alex and Baylor talking. "Hey" I said making them both look at me. "What are you doing here?" I asked Baylor "oh I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out today..you know I could show you around Canada?" He asked as he got up off the couch putting his hands in his pockets. As I open my mouth to say something the boot bell rings. "I'll get it" I say as I walk over to the door. Opening it up I see Justin.

"Hey Justin" I said with a small blush remembering the dream I had today. I could feel him looking me up and down like he was looking for something but soon stopped when his eyes stopped at my neck. He walks in to the house getting really close to me. He put in hand on my hip as he pulled me close so that his month was right by my ear. "I need to see the necklace around your neck baby and not just in our dreams" he said as he moves his lips so that they brush over mine making me feel this insane feeling I've never felt before. He takes the necklace out from under my shirt before looking into my eyes making me see his purple eyes that I've only seen in my dreams. "Until we shall meet again my love" he whispered as he kisses the corner of my mouth before winking at me. He walked around me walking into the living room. I let out a sigh before I close the door and turn to go back the the living room.

As I walked in to the living room Justin and Baylor are face to face making weird sounds like they were some animals about to fight. I looked around the living room to see that Alex is nowhere to be found. I walked over to them making use that I pushed them away from each other "what's going on? And where's Alex" I asked them both as I stand in between them. "She went to the bathroom." Baylor said not looking away from Justin. I look over at him to see that his eyes are a scary red. "I want you out of this house now Baylor" Justin said in a scary voice making me back up into Baylor only for Justin to growls. "I'm not going anywhere she mine I saw her first Bieber you can't have all of them" Baylor hissed back.

"She's mine you ungrateful bastard! Your not taking her away from me no one is!! Now get out of this house before somethings you do like happens to you mutt!" Justin growls pulling me away from Baylor wrapping his arms around me making sure he pushed my face in his neck. He lets out a breath as if he was cooling down by me being in his arms.

"il vostro un inutile pezzo di merda e non ti vogliono intorno a lei. lei non è mia la tua. lei non sarà mai la vostra. abbastanza presto lei lo segnaliamo come la mia e una volta che lo facciamo non puoi toccarla! ora lasciare prima che ottenere brutto." (your a worthless piece of shit and I don't want you around her. she's mine not yours. she'll never be yours. soon enough I'll mark her as mine and once we do you cant touch her! now leave before it get ugly.) Justin spoke in Italian making me confuse. Baylor said something under his breath before walking out the living room making sure that he hit Justin's shoulder along the way. Justin growled just as the door to the house closed he pulls away from me making me looking into his eyes that were no longer that purple color that I loved "your gonna stay away from that asshole got it?!" He hissed as he held onto my shoulders tight. "Ouch Justin your hurting me" I try and get out his hold "I said got it?!?!" He yelled making me jump from how scary he looks. "Yeah I got it."

He let go of me his eyes go from red to a light blue "kitten I-I'm so sorry" he said as he tried to give me a hug but I moved back from him. "Don't touch me" I said as I moved back "but kitten-" he went to say but I shook my head and run up to my room.


Ik it's short but I kinda didn't know what to do. What did you guys think of the whole thing with Baylor and Justin? Do you think Megan is gonna listen to Justin and stay away from Baylor or naw? Tell me what you think vote and comment please thanks

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