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Welcome to the world of confusion. Quick warning that there are going to be drug and alcohol abuse and explicit content within this story so you've been warned. Now enough of me lets get this story underway...
Ps the dude up top is kind of an idea of what you'd look like and oh yeah this is NOT a g!p story sorry guys...

She looks at me. I smile back. She looks away. I keep staring. Her hand grips her mic tightly. She looks focused, determined. She belts out the perfect notes in quick succession. I watch intently, while my brother tells me a story about what he found hidden in his bunk this morning. I couldnt care less to be honest. As I comfortably sit  in the front row looking at her, she knows im looking, every roll of her hips is exaggerated as she watches me intently with her emerald eyes, my own blue challenging her own as hers pierce through my being down to the core. Her perfect smile could easily make me fall in love with her but...that's the problem. Love and me don't belong together, not this kind at least.
When sound check is over and the girls make their way  to catering, mouth s already watering at the thought of homemade mac and cheese and chicken wings waiting to be devoured. My bandmates drag me to the side of the stage to prepare for our sound check. As she exits the stage i am greeted with the intoxicating scent of her perfume laced sweat that has created a faint sheen on her pale skin. The soft brush of our hands reminds me of the night before. Her skin searching mine, her moans filling my head, our hands roaming, every roll of my hips bringing us both that sweet ecstasy. Before my mind wanders my eyes meet hers, she offers me a sweet smile, her bandmates greet me, completely oblivious that my friendship with one of the band members may not be so innocent. I shoot them all a quick smile and wink which is kind of known as my trademark greeting nowadays since im what they call the smooth one in the band. My brother Ethan was always known as the goofy fun one along with Jonah who as his partner in crime i guess. Our drummer, Sydney was the most quiet one of us when it came to interviews and such but she was friendly towards the girls nonetheless despite the fact that the media liked to make up stories about her being jealous   of 5h and other shit like that.

Soundcheck worked out pretty well with us being able to play some new songs that we've recently written.Lauren and the girls were able to catch our last song 'Sweater weather' before they had to head off to the dressing rooms. When it came to the bridge, me singing mellow melodies, i never took my eyes off of Lauren, offering her a sly smile before the other girls could catch me.

As i walked down the hall to my band's dressing room my arm was swiftly grabbed and dragged towards an empty room towards the back of the concert venue. As soon as the door was closed behind us i pinned Lauren to the door holding her arms firmly above her head. i teased her as i avoided kissing her lips and went straight for her neck. Her breathing was soft and wanting. I took off my shirt when I let go of her hands which immediately went behind my neck resulting in a heated kiss, tongues battling for dominance as I was always one up for a challenge. She let out a soft moan in my mouth when i grabbed her ass, squeezing tightly while bringing her even closer to me so we were flush against eachother. She gave me a gentle push back so that she would have room to strip for me, her shirt coming off until i again pushed her back towards the door so that i could proceed to take off her denim shorts. i looked up at her as i slipped her shorts off, burying my head at her inner thighs, sucking and biting softly. Her breathing hitched in anticipation. i didnt give her what she wanted straight away when i quickly came back up to wrap her legs around my waist. Our lips locked firmly. Her want for me was evident as she moved her hands to unbuckle my belt. i followed her as our movements became more rushed, moving her panties to the side, touching her core in small circles. Her moans became a tad more louder. "Please Y/N i want you..." she whispered softly into my ear. At this request i looked into her eyes with a sly smile on my face, unzipping my jeans letting them fall a bit to let my length come free. Her dominance when leading me to this room, hardened me straight away so i was ready to go from the start. Her hips moved towards me as my member touched her core gently. I looked intently into her eyes when i guided my dick towards her entrance, entering all at once since she was already well soaked by now. She let out a sharp gasp at my intrusion. My thrusts were hard and slow, until she bit into my neck which literally made all my control fly out the window. I immediately went hard and fast, her head was still buried in the crook of my neck. Her moans were loud and shallow, her hands leaving small scracthes on my shoulder as she held on tightly. I remembered that we had to be prepared in 15 mins since the show was starting in 30 mins. Good thing she takes the least amount to get ready out of all the girls in Fifth Harmony. i let her legs drop with her exhaling at the absence of me inside of her. i turned her around so that her hands were against the door. i immediately buried myself deeply into her thrusting her with the same force as before. "Ah..Y/n..f-fuck...dont stop-ah!" i buried myself into her deeper until i was at the hilt letting myself savour in the feel of her before i went hard and fast again, my orgasm slowly approaching as i felt the electricity running strongly through my body. My abs burned but i couldnt stop as i needed this to end quickly so we could get ready, hopefully our absence would go unnoticed. Her body shivered at one point and she tightened around me, knees buckling slightly. Her orgasm was soon followed by my own which i luckily had enough time and strength to pull out since shes not on the pill and i didnt have a condom on me at this moment. Man, a smoke right now wouldve made everything ten times better but we had to quickly fix our selves and head to our dressing rooms.

She gave a lingering kiss and a slight squeeze on my bicep before we went our separate ways as my dressing room was on the otherside of the venue. My brother questioned me on my absence in which i dismissed by simply saying that i went out for a drag. He believed me pretty easily since our brotherhood was heavily built on trust. Although I wish i could just tell him that me and LAuren are friends with benefits but he would just give me a big brotherly lecture on how its not right for me to be fucking someone we're on tour with which is pretty stupid as i am 20 years so its not like i cant just ignore him and do what i want but oh well he's responsible for keeping me alive up until now so gotta listen i guess. LAuren doesnt really want anyone to know either so i guess theres no option for me despite the fact that i hate keeping things from my bandmates.

As we stepped onto the stage there were thousands of screaming fans, bright lights shining in our faces and the adrenalin that filled my veins as we were about to get this show on the road. The 5h girls pretty much hyped them up to this level for us as their fans were usually fans of my band too. there were alot of signs with several ship names between me and my bandmates which was always a laugh since we'd alwyas joke around about this kind of thing before actually achieving fame. i intriduced my band before performing which was pretty much a ritual in itslef before every performance. the crowd always responded perfectly to it as they were uplifted by my words. It was one of the unique traits of my band."

"Ok, now i need you to repeat after me! Never be afraid of your own voice!" the audience repeated loudly but not loud enough. "Say it again.Never be afraid of your own voice!" they repeated back to my satisfaction. "Yeah! now im just gonna stand here and sing and play with my guitar alongside these amazing musicians, Ethan, Jonah and Sydney!!!" the crowd went wild at this intro as we introduced the beat of the first song.

So thats a wrap for this first chapter yada yada yada pls vote and comment.

Hardest of Hearts (Lauren/you)  ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now