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"God Sydney, can you relax? It's just  Shawn!"
"I know Mila, is it so wrong to get jealous? You're  so special to me and you have the most amazing heart. I get scared of losing you..."
As I hung around the backstage area, Camila and Syd were fighting over something I had no initial interest in. Until of course they started shouting. It was a little awkward for me at first since one minute I'm caught up in a conversation and the next Camila comes up accusing Syd of god knows what. However, I found solace in the unwelcomed company of Ethan.
"So tours almost over huh?" His question stating the obvious was his desperate attmept to start a decent conversation with me. I was growing tired of everything really.
"Yeah just one more show left..." I trailed off as I noticed Camila storm right by us, leaving Sydney standing angrily on the same spot she was in for the last 15 minutes.
Ethan and I instantly approached her. We knew that it was never a good idea to leave her alone when she was angry.
"Hey Syd, everything okay?" I placed my hand on her shoulder in comfort, feeling the rise and fall of her shoudler as her face was noticeably flushed.
"Yeah hun you good?" Ethan stood on the other side of her offering his part in making sure she was okay.
"Y-yeah, everything's perfect." Before any one of us could get a word in she stormed away towards the dressing rooms area. We followed her instantly not wanting her to feel any kind of negativity at this point.

"Syd, wait!" I called out to her before she shut the dressing room door in my face, firmly locking it in place.

I sighed in defeat as I leant my back against the door. Several sound crew and makeup people passed by me wondering why I was loitering the hallway. Lauren followed behind as I noticed her playing around with her in-ears monitor. When she passed me I instantly became enthralled in the delicious scent of her perfume. She passed her hand on my shoulder as she neared me, a beaming smile upon her face. I instantly felt like the whole world did not exist in that moment. Like she was the only one that I could see.

"Hi..." she walked away towards her own dressung room where the other girls laughed loudly. Camila was obviously vacant from the area. I wondered where she had disappeared from while I let my self rest back onto the door. Ethan creases his brow as he demanded Syd to open the door.

"Hey man, I'm gonna go look for Camila. See if there's anything I can do to fix things for them." Ethan gave me a nod as I walked away, thinking of the various places the Cuban woman could be...
Hey guys this is just a short filler chapter for the next to come. -J

Hardest of Hearts (Lauren/you)  ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now