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As we walked hand in hand through the streets we were watched by cheerful faces. The locals obviously had no idea who we were and it was actually pretty refreshing to not have to be worried about our every move like it was back in L.A. Lauren was wearing a sun dress that clung onto her gracefully like it was made for her. Local men watched her as she proudly grasped onto me. i guided her as we made our way to the seaside restaurant where I had booked tonights  dinner. Our skin had tanned progressively through our  week long trip as Lauren and I spent most of our time on the beach, when we weren't making love in our hotel room. When we reached the entrance the door was opened for us by a kind old waiter, eager to lead us to our table. This was our last night before reality would soon consume our lives again. To say that I was sad was an understatement. This week  with Lauren had been the best out of my entire life. As I reminisced on the last few days I could feel her stare on me when she noticed that I wasn't looking as amused at the menu as she was. Her hand reached out to me as I smiled sweetly at her, "Everything ok babe?" She questioned my silence.
"Everything's fine princess, just a bit sad that we'll have to leave tomorrow. Feels like the days just flew by..." I chuckled by the end of my sentence, since we did get to do quite a lot during the week.
"It's gonna be ok baby, we'll still see each other when we get back home, I promise", the sincerity in her tone melted my heart as I led her hand to my lips, placing a soft kiss on her knuckle.
It wasn't the lack of distance that worked me most. It was knowing that all the  craziness of Hollywood would soon take our lives once more and I'd be put under the pump for new music. I just hoped it wouldn't put a strain on our already tumultuous relationship.

Dinner went by effortlessly as Lauren and I engaged  in playful banter. Our food choices as were unexpectedly,massive dishes full of fresh fish and crustaceans, caught that same day. Lauren revelled in the delicious wines and dessert that were served to us throughout the night. As things went on I couldn't help but feel myself get even more comfortable being around Lauren with the way she spoke about changing the world and helping people in need. We also agreed that Trump could go choke on  a dick which also led to amused laughter from the waiter who refilled our wine glasses at the time.

Unlocking the hotel door felt like forever. The wine had really gone to my head since I'd been off any sort of drugs or alcohol for the longest time in a while. Lauren's hands wondered through the gaps of my barely buttoned up flannel shirt, her warm hands caressing my skin in ways that made me shiver with want. I let myself collapse onto the bed as Lauren undressed herself before me  wearing nothing but lace underwear. Her love for going bra-less would forever be my blessing.
She straddled me as I let my arms spread onto the soft sheets, needing the room to stop spinning for a bit. Her hands were seamlessly unbuttoning my shirt as I lay entranced by the goddess that hovered over me.
"I can't seem to get enough of you, Y/N." her sultry voice both soothed and excited me as my shorts noticeably tightened.

I was sitting along side Lauren once we got onto the plan back home, when she suddenly tightened her grip on my forearm. Her hands were soaked in sweat as she looked at something on her phone. I wanted to know right away what it could have been. I placed my hand on hers in comfort looking at her phone and immediately saw what had caused this reaction. Camila has decided to leave the group but chose to send Lauren a text message before any decisions would be made. Lauren cared for her like a sister almost the same as I cared for Sydney. I understood why she wasn't responding in the best way to this news.
Let the drama begin again...

Hey guys I'm back sorry for that hiatus just haven't had the time to update between uni life and relationships hope you enjoy this chapter and also suggest where the story should go from here. I have some interesting ideas up ahead for this story ;)

Hardest of Hearts (Lauren/you)  ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now