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Eventually Jonah woke up,  all groggy and having no recollection of what happened the afternoon before. I couldn't sleep after knowing that my best friend was still in so much pain and anguish over what happened to his father. I felt angry that I didn't know what to do about it.
Lauren left early in the morning, due to preparations for the awards tonight. It was 10:00am and I needed Jonah to wake up so that we could meet up with the others for our own prep as well.
I left a glass of water and some aspirin waiting for him because I knew that he would be sorry later on about the pain of a massive hangover. 

I wasn't angry that he was using alcohol to drown his sorrows, I had done the same when I lost someone important to me as well. But to see him like that is something I don't want to see ever again.

"Mornin' J, " I passed him the glass of water and pills, which he eagerly welcomed.
He didn't say anything for a while, stretching in bed. I heard the faint  cracks of his joints as he extended his arms and back.
"Thanks man..." Jonah was rubbing his temples slowly as he gathered bearings of his surroundings, "I didn't know when to stop...you know me, once I start I can't stop." I just nodded my head at him as I headed towards the bathroom. I knew that Jonah had been talking about the alcohol, so I didn't have anything else to say.
I stared at myself in the mirror  as I contemplated whether to shave the stubble that had begun to grow on my face. Since Lauren had been staying over most of the time, grooming became the last of my priorities.

It took Jonah a while to get up from the bed, head cradled in his hands, staring down at the ground. I made my way over to him, kneeling in front of him. His hands clutched tightly to his hair. 

"J, buddy," I grabbed his attention by placing one of my hands on his shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze. His head rose up slowly, his grey eyes looked at me emptily. "I'm so fucked up, Y/N..." Jonah sounded defeated and sad. 

Jonah didn't even wait for an answer before rising up abruptly. I moved backwards and stood up as well to meet him at the same level. "J...you're like a brother to me, you're not fucked up, trust me I'm the last person to ever think so lowly of you," I needed to show him that I would be there for him through all the shit goin on. "You don't even  have to apologise for yesterday ok, I know of pain and I also know how it feels to try to use anything just to forget that same pain-"

"My mother hasn't spoken to  me in months, properly I mean, she just says a word or two to me when I do call to check up on her, and when she does say anything remotely heartfelt it's just to tell me to keep out of trouble..." I listened closely to his defeated voice as he began to pace around the room, probably from nerves. Jonah was never too fond of letting others know how he really felt, unless he was drunk or on some unknown substance. I wasn't even bothered that he had interrupted my consolation. His situation was worse than I had anticipated. Yeah, I did know that his father's unexpected suicide had taken a toll on his family, it's not something anyone would easily get over. Even I found it hard to stomach any food, when I first heard the news a year ago. But to know that he felt isolated even from his own mother was definitely adding more fuel to fire. The way Jonah had reacted before was something  I had never seen before. Breakdowns were uncommon among the band unless something tragic was happening, which definitely applied to Jonah. 

"Dude...I'm really sorry to hear that," I took a seat on the edge of the bed as he leaned against the balcony door opposite me. He stared up at the ceiling as the room suddenly became silent.  I didn't really know what to say. I could feel the sweat build up in my palms with each passing second, the silence pressured me to say more. I didn't know how. 

"What should I do? I can't do this alone anymore, my mother was the one person that I thought would keep me sane and now, she doesn't have the energy to do that anymore." I rose up from the bed to grab a can from the fridge, I needed the sugar to satiate myself and as a way of occupying myself while, I continued to think about a way to help him out.

Hardest of Hearts (Lauren/you)  ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now