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When I met Lauren and the girls I only remember thinking holy shit these girls are gorgeous. Lauren's green eyes immediately captured my attention as the intensity of them stripped every strand of my soul. Dinah and Camilas goofy antics immediate added amusement to the first few days of the tour. Ethan and Camila quickly established a strong bond as their minds worked at the same wavelength, which I must say is a pretty rare event when it comes to Ethan as he's always been called a peculiar person all his life. Sydney and ally easily got to talking about all things food and Normani always got caught in the middle of the harmless pranks that Ethan and Jonah always did why when they were meant to be targeted at Camila although funnily enough Normaini was the unlucky victim. I put in my fair share of two cents in establishing strong friendships between the girls and I. Lauren particularity took a liking to my poetry which I had shown her one night before our friends with benefits relationship, when I was typically loitering around the concert venue.

Flahsback, San Francisco

  "If I had a soul I sold it for pretty words, If I had a body I used it up spurting my essence-uh damn it i had the rest in my head" i grew frustrated as i scribbled the words into my tattered notebook, unable to rememeber the phrases i had so easily thought id remember tonight. The joint in between my finger emitted small embers that burned faintly in the darkness of the lot that the tour buses were currently stationed at. The air was cool around me and the silence of it gave my mind some room to breathe as the days events had especially left me drained what with all the interviews and promo. I paced around the same spot i had been for the past hour or so, trying desperately to put my emotions into words. it was almost a year since she decided to completely rip herself out of my life leaving only broken promises and meaningless tears in her wake.
"You look very frantic for a guy that's smoking pot" A husky voice had startled me slightly out of my musings. turning around i was met with Laurens soft gaze. I answered her quickly to seem unfazed by her unexpected appearance "I'm a walking paradox darlin" she chuckled slightly at my clever answer and mumbled a quick "yeah". taking a quick drag of my joint, i let the smoke linger in my mouth before smoothly exhaling, cautious not to do in her direction as a way to present a considerate disposition. "So what brings you out here? Not that i don't want you here or anything"
" i dont know i guess i felt a bit out of it tonight and thought a little time out would help clear my head, obviously im not the only one huh?"
"yeah todays been an off day for me i guess?" i admitted not feeling like letting much on about the reason why though.
"what was that that you were reading before? i heard you when i saw you walking in the distance and overheard a bit on my way over" oh great now i have to tell her, i dont know but those green eyes of her could seriouly make me do anything and everything that they wanted me to do." just a little,uuh, poetry i write...yeah thats pretty much how i end up writing my songs' i felt slightly embarrassed at this admittance. her gaze soon became intrigued at this information. "oh really? thats really cool. Should I let you continue"
"Nah it's fine I kind of have no idea what else to write" I chuckled at my admission.
"You're a really private guy aren't you?" Her question kind of caught me off guard as I turned again to look at her letting my gaze linger on here for a few seconds. I completely avoided her question by handing her my notebook.
She let it slip that I hadn't answered her and instead took the notebook off my hands letting her eyes show me that she was asking permission to take it.
She meticulously flipped through the pages obviously considerate of the fact that many of the pages were frayed and may have a had a burn mark or two due to my habit to smoke while writing in it. "I kind of write down anything that I think or feel and let it turn to poetry" I sheepishly said rubbing the back of my neck before taking another drag to calm my nerves. You know that feeling you get when a teacher is marking your test while you wait? Well that's how I felt right now. I was pretty aware of the fact that Lauren was a talented writer and had a particular interest in poetry. After a few pregnant minutes she looked up at me smiling. "You're really good" I only nodded a bit taken aback by the genuine smile she was giving me and the fact that there was some sort of pride I felt in knowing that she found my poetry good. "Well that's what all my fans say too" I chuckle a bit snubbing my joint on the ground and taking my notebook back letting my fingertips linger on her hands. "Yeah I figured" she agreed with me nudging me with her shoulder. I don't how to explain it but this girl was really good at making someone feel comfortable. I was never one to get nervous since I was usually the one making others nervous with my intense blue eyes. I decided that it was time to head back since I was feeling pretty mellowed out and just wanted to let my myself fall into a deep slumber. "Well it was nice talking to you beautiful but I'm going to head back its getting a tad late and the weeds kicking in"
"Yeah I was heading back too. Wanna walk together?"
"Sure I don't see a problem with that"
As we stood outside her bus she asked me if she could show me some of her poetry next time and also looked forward to getting to know me more. That night was probably the best night I slept.
End of flashback
This was more of a filler chapter

Hardest of Hearts (Lauren/you)  ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now