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Lauren took time to register what I had just told her. At first I did sense the initial speechless at my confession. I suddenly felt a little be conscious of what I had said. Not to say that it wasn't the truth but maybe I shouldn't have chosen to say it when I just had a breakdown not long before that.
10 seconds passed until I felt her arms wrap so tightly around me as if she wanted to permanently meld herself into me. I gave her equally what she gave me. For the first time in a long time I felt liberated.
"You have me Y/N." God, how it felt to hear her say that. It still scared the shit out of me that I could be feeling something this intense but there's always a second time for everything I guess.
"I promise I'll try for you..." I kept my voice low on the side of her cheek. I heard her release a sigh of relief at hearing my promise. I was never fond of making promises due to my unbridled fear of disappointing others but fuck it, Lauren was my exception.
Once we parted I could see a new light in her eyes and the glow on she face made me feel so complete. I watched and stroked her face as she lent into me touch.
I realised that it was time for us to get ready for the day again as there would be a ton of rehearsal and whatnot goin on again.
"We should get ready," I moved away to gather my things while she remained close to me. "Is this happening Y/N?" I looked to her where she stood close to me with a warm smile upon her face. I moved to give a gentle peck on her lips, "Yes L, this is happening," I chuckled a little at the end because I found it completely adorable how she still asked me. It was obviously my fault for confusing her so much.

A/N: You're wearing the outfit above
I was tuning my guitar when I felt Ethan tap my arm. We had just finished rehearsing one of my songs and were about to move onto the next.
"Hey," Ethan sounded sounded a little too happy.
"Hey," I just replied while nonchalantly strumming some strings.
"Look over there," he gestured with his head towards Sydney who was leaning against a wall standing very close to someone who I immediately noticed was Camila. I had never seen Syd to look at someone the way she was looking at Camila right now, I found it very endearing.
"Well who would've thought, my girl'sall grown up," I was feeling as proud as if she was my own sister. I gestured towards them, wiping some fake tears off my face. Ethan gave a little nudge calling me a 'shit' in between chuckles.

After a silent minute or two he had seen Lauren walking across the front row to get to the backstage entrance. She caught us looking at her in which I offered a sweet smile that she returned back, while Ethan gave her a small wave, which I thought was a little too desperate for my liking.
The sound crew soon cued us to start the next song. I had felt increased confidence from seeing 'my Lauren'. I eagerly strummed the first chord as E and I awaited Sydney to hop onto the drum set after being called several times by the crew to move from her position next to Camila.
Let's say that she didn't hesitate from showing off a bit but I didn't blame her.
I was walking towards the exit of the venue when I found Lauren leaning against the wall near the entrance, concentrating on her phone where I caught a small peak of the tumblr app. She seemed to be enthusiastically typing a comment or post which I guessed was another one of her famous politically correct statements I came to admire in my own time on tumblr.
She hadn't noticed my presence until I stood before her looking down at her phone before I slid my hands over her own. She looked up at me with a bothered look, probably thinking it was someone other than me who had distracted her from her focus until it seemed to register in the softening of her features that it was me instead.
"Hi there beautiful," it felt so comfortable to say that to her that I had pretty much stolen a kiss from her before she could reply. I didn't really part from her until I felt her relax and smile into the kiss.
"Hello mister, aren't you meant to be in sound check? Nice lenses by the way, " she pokes at the specs I wore which was because my eyes felt particularly sensitive to the light today.
"All finished," I said adjusting my glasses back to rest comfortably. I couldn't keep myself away from holding her against the wall where I pressed another firm kiss against her lips before she was the one to break it off, "Are you trying to seduce me y/n l/n," her velvety voice made me want to forget that we were playing a show and take her back to the hotel.
"Well Lauren Jauregui, is it a crime if I said yes?" I responded with the same kind of cheekiness in which she teased with a small push against my chest. "We have to go back inside," I allowed her to move off the wall.
I was still trying to calm myself down.
"Yeah that's probably a good idea," I chuckled to myself as she turned into the entrance looking back at me with the most sly look that in that moment I knew that this girl was going to be the end of me.

Hardest of Hearts (Lauren/you)  ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now