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I remember watching Lauren as her body moved languidly on the stage, sending shivers through my whole core. my leg wouldn't stop bouncing with the nerves that ran rampant within me. I was glad that the centre was dark except for the stage. My mates were on edge as they watched the performance closely, praising and shouting encouragement. My desire for Lauren grew tenfold as I watched her. I look across from me at Sydney that had a notably glazed look over her eyes as she also watched intently. I wondered if the same desire ran through her for Camila.

When the performance was over it was nearly impossible for my heartbeat to slow as I anticipated the next meeting between me and Lauren. I knew that I wanted her when I first saw her prior to the award show but now all I could think of was taking her to extreme heights of pleasure later on. My band mates and I didn't get any awards as we were beaten yet again by 5SOS. It didn't bother me as much as I knew that no award could prove the talent that me and my friends had.

As I walked with the rest of the crowd exiting the arena, Jonah nudged me to get my attention, "Hey man, let's go to the after party, yeah," I didn't reply with words just with a simple nod and smile. I was too busy looking around for the 5h girls so I could see Lauren again. Ethan walked with Sydney, teasing her about the blush that hadn't left her face after the fifth harmony performance. Our manager ushered us into the van before we had any time to stick around for the cameras. I texted Lauren. ]

Me: Hey you goin to the afterpartty?

Her answer was swift

L: Yeah, I'm heading there now with the girls ;)

Me: Good. Ill see you there then gorgeous ;)

I couldn't wait to make it there. I even drank the whole whiskey/... that I had kept within my jacket. T calmed my nerves down, Jonah didn't hesitate to take a little swig here and there too, so we were both pretty chill by the time we got to the after party venue at Justin Bieber's private party. Jonah and I stumbled out of the van in a fit of giggles as we realised that the cameras had caught us well on tape. I didn't really give a fuck at that point anyways. Ethan and Sydney were the good ones in our group, they were lightweights when it came to any form of alcohol.

I stumbled past the bouncers that were pretty redundant as they were pretty much letting in any type of celebrity anyway. Jonah pretty much hit up the bar as soon as he stumbled in with me. that kid just didn't know when to stop, I guess. In my buzzed state I didn't hesitate to ask any random person I found if they had seen Lauren. I git a lit weird and amused looks from some but I didn't mind. Ariana grande didn't hesitate to suggest that I hang out with her instead, but I politely declined, " Sorry hun, there's this girl that's in love with me that I'm looking for," she didn't hesitate to accept the decline and gave me a hand in the direction of the 5H girls on the dance floor.

When I found Lauren she was carelessly dancing around with Normani and Dinah. Her smile beamed up the whole dance floor. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. I couldn't help myself but reflect the same ecstatic smile as she caught me looking at her. I made my way towards her where she now stood swaying against the music.

"Hi," I couldn't help but put my arms around her, when she was within my reach. They way I felt around was like nothing else, every nerve in my body couldn't keep me away. The other girls watched us affectionately as I let my goofy self take over, spinning her around a bit and using my most cheesiest dance moves, sprinkler included. I forget that I hadn't said hello to the other girls.

"HEY GUYS! Sorry, I didn't forget you guys yet," they each giggled playing off my stupid comment. I wondered just how strongly I smelt like alcohol. Camila was shamelessly dancing with Sydney. I mean seriously, if no one was in the room right they'd probably be fucking. Or was I seeing things?

I couldn't keep my hands off of Lauren all night, only when I went out to get more drinks form the bar as we began to feel thirsty. I found Ethan hanging out with the weekend and some other guys taking a hit from a joint. He had finally loosened up after the tenseness of this week. It made me glad. He was starting to become the kind of brother I hated.

I returned to sit with Lauren and the girls who now lounged comfortably on a long plush couch. As soon as I sat down with the drinks Lauren made a move to sit next to me. her body felt warm against mine. I didn't know if it was the alcohol or the dancing by I was feeling like I was on fire.

Ethan came to join us a little later, in his chill state it was easy for him to make conversation. "Hey guys, everything is just great isn't it? we're all happy, all cool, all cool, right?" Ethan wouldn't shut up especially when he was on weed. He would notice the most stupidest things. "Yeah man, everything's good." Lauren moved until her head rested on my shoulder close to my neck.the scent of her perfume was beautifully mixed with the cocktails that she drank. I couldn't help but whisper in her ear, "You're killing me babe,"

"Hmm, why is that?" I could feel her smile against my cheek in my response.

"You're perfect." There was nothing more I could say. That was the only truth I knew. Lauren was perfect and I was the demon eating away at her. Like the story of the lion and the lamb. She didn't say anything else, giving me a single kiss on the corner of my lips.

"See, man, see? Everything's good for you!" Ethan emphatically stood up from his seat spilling a little bit of his vodka on his shirt, "Takes away the only girl I've ever loved! Everything's perfect!" the mood suddenly became a little tesne at his admission. I froze a little in my seat, Lauren rubbed her arm against my shoulder as I was met in a weird stare down with my brother. His state couldn't defend against his fucking honesty. Why the fuck is it like this?

Before anyone could a word out there was sudden commotion around the bar area. I hoped to god that it wasn't Jonah. Everyones head turned towards the area. 'Fuck'. It was Jonah. He was head to head one of the guys around. I didn't recognise the guy but I all I knew was that I was going to have to step in. Lauren found this time to get off of me so I could get to my best friend. He was punched straight in the jaw as soon as I made it towards him. before anything more could happen, I got my arms around him as he charged straight towards the other guy. He reeked of pure alcohol. I bet that if I lit a match around him that he would actually catch fire.

The bouncers stepped in before anything more happened effectively kicking him out, me included as I was the one holding him. I guess it was time to call it a night now. I never got to see Lauren again. Ethan could go fuck himself, he got himself shitfaced so he can get himself home. 

Hardest of Hearts (Lauren/you)  ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now