Chapter Five: First Night Together

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Under the cover of steam and the bright fluorescent bulbs of the bathroom, I stared at myself in the mirror as I slowly began to undress. Hidden beneath layers of shaggy brown hair, my blue eyes looked tired, restless. I yawned a little and grabbed a towel from the nearby stack and placed it on the metal rod as I opened the shower glass door and stepped inside.

The hot water felt amazing against my bare skin as I ran my fingers through my hair and reached for a bottle of bodywash. I squirted a dime-sized pile of soap in the palm of my hand and took my time washing every square inch of my body until I was all clean. Afterwards, I washed and rinsed my hair so thoroughly that I lost all train of thought and spiraled out of control.

I closed my eyes for a moment, enjoying the softness of the water, and the heat that it brought as lovingly as a lover's caress. Suddenly a hand appeared against the glass as I opened my eyes again and nearly jumped out of my skin. Lucifer stood on the opposite side, the steam circling around his body began to thin and disperse until I realized he was standing before me naked.

Smooth hairless skin, hardened muscle, rippling arms. I could not tear my eyes away even if I wanted to. That is until I came face to face with the monster between his legs. Hard as stone and thick like sausage, the pink blunt head of his cock gently pressed against the glass as Lucifer wrapped his fingers around the throbbing shaft.

"Mind if I join you?" He smirked.

The words wouldn't come out for I could feel that my throat was closing on me, making it hard to breathe. I was just so stunned by what I had seen I didn't know how to answer to his request. So I just nodded my head slowly watching as he stepped inside, the water cascading down his body like a waterfall. He pulled me into his arms as my back pressed against the wall sending a shiver down my spine.

He leaned in close to my neck, inhaling slowly. "Mmm. You smell so damn good."

"Tha...Tha...Thank you." I stammered.

"You're shaking," he growled in a low voice. "Are you cold?"

I shook my head. The water was still plenty hot. "No."

"Are you sure? Because I can warm that pretty skin of yours faster than this shower can if you'd let me."

"I'm sure. But this is all new to me. I ain't never been in a shower with a man before."

He grinned. "Oh, it's not so bad. Besides it can be quite nice if you're in the arms of a master like myself."

Lucifer put one hand on the wall and leaned his head forward, letting the hot water pound on his shoulders and neck while he tried desperately to reign in libido. I looked up to touch his facial hair as the rough, stubby textures tickled my fingertips. He parted his lips as if he were about ready to kiss me when I noticed something sharp peeking out from behind his upper lip.

I moved to intercept but he grabbed my wrists and shook his head. I struggled against his grip but he wasn't budging. When I finally gave up and my hands returned to their rightful place at my side, Lucifer kneeled in front of me as he spun me around and ran his hands up my legs. The higher his hands went up, the quicker my breathing started to increase. I could only imagine where this was going.

I bit my bottom lip when his hands found my ass. And a devilish chuckle that sounded a lot like satisfactory coming from him. He spread my legs further apart and ran a finger down the center of my intergluteal cleft until he reached my hole. I fought back a moan as he wiggled it, slapping my ass playfully in the process. When he stood up again, his finger still on my hole, he leaned in close and whispered in my ear.

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