Chapter Thirty Two: Arrested

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At 9:45PM, nothing else was good on TV. So I turned off the screen and dropped the remote on the couch as I got up and went to the kitchen. I opened the fridge in search of something chocolate or in this case, something that would help me satisfy these so called strange cravings. Than that's when I found it: a Hersey's chocolate pudding cup with my name on it. As I carefully pulled back the tinfoil lid, grabbed a spoon and leaned back against the island counter, a pair of headlights flashed across the white walls in the foyer. Lucifer was home. Scrap, scrap, scrap went the bottom of the cup as I tossed the spoon in the sink and finished licking the cup clean with just my fingertips.

The front door opened and shut seconds later as Lucifer came around the corner, looking like he had a lot on his mind. I threw the cup in the trash and went to him, wrapping my arms around his neck as I felt his hands hold tight to my waist. After a few precious moments, I took his face in my hands. His eyes were clouded in mystery, a secret that only he knew about. How I wished that he would tell me about it so that in some way I might be able to help him. Reaching up with his hand, he leaned in to kiss me. The kiss was soft, tender filled with a raw emotion that kept sending warning signals in my head.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I said pulling away, our heads still together.

"It's nothing."

"It's not nothing, Lucifer. Now, I can tell something is bothering you. What is it?"

"I can't. It's too dangerous. You wouldn't understand."

"Try me."


I stepped away from him and headed for the stairs as I heard his voice calling out to me but I didn't listen. I made it inside our bedroom as he followed behind me, shutting the door behind him with a gentle click. I went to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror as I began to floss and brush my teeth. Within minutes Lucifer showed up, taking the empty sink across from me as he trimmed his facial hair. I washed out my mouth with water followed by a quick rinse with the mouthwash. Afterwards, I began to leave the room. Only, I didn't get far. Hell, I didn't even make it past the edge of the countertop let alone make it across the threshold.

His hand caught my arm as I stopped, but didn't look at him. "Wait," he said. "I'm sorry."

"That's it?"

"Fine. I'm sorry for being so secretive. But it's for this very reason that I have to do it. There are things about my life, my past. Things that should never be yours bear. My job is to protect you and to keep you safe. And I can't do that if I have to share my deepest, darkest secrets with you. I am, after all, a very powerful man, Jason. I've made a lot of enemies throughout the centuries, all of which I'm sure would hurt you in order to get to me."

"You can't protect me all the time, Lucifer. And someday you won't be able to. You have to stop hiding these things from me and let in so that I may help you. It's hard enough as it is that we're getting married in less than a month. And I've already begun to write my own vows. But now I don't know. How can my vows mean anything to you if you won't even be honest with your fiance?"

His hand slid from my arm as the silence took over confirming his answer, without saying a word. As I went to bed that night in a sour mood. I glanced over my shoulder at Lucifer as he slept on his back, his arm covering his face. I brushed the covers off and put both feet on the floor as I got up and dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. I slipped out the door and tip-toed across the catwalk, making my way down the stairs as I grabbed my car keys off the hook and headed for the garage. I got into my car and cranked the engine, shifting into drive as I cruised up the driveway and took a left to get out on the main road.

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