Chapter Fifty One: Always & Forever

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It looked like something out of a disaster film. Everything from the living room to the kitchen was a complete mess. While jagged pieces of wood erupted from the floor, ready to pierce a man's heart at a moment's notice should he trip by accident. But there was one thing I couldn't take my eyes off of, and that was blood. Blood had been spilt, pouring from the fatal stomach wound of my husband. It pooled at his feet like a dried up riverbed amongst the backdrop of his now pale skin and nearly lifeless body. I went to him on instinct, like my body had commanded it. Barely noticing the baby still in his arms.

I took his hand in mine. Christ he was cold to the touch. I listened to his heartbeat and nothing. Not even a sound. I feared that I would now only have a minute or two with him, or a few; before the end came and took him away from me forever. His eyes were barely visible, half closed and cloudy. His lips were parted but his breathing was shallow, ragged. I leaned into kiss him, trying to force some of my life back into his as if that could ever work. Then I felt something. A gentle touch. A touch that sent a shockwave through me like a bolt of electricity. It was the baby and it was staring at me with eyes the color blue, almost sapphire.

A tiny little thing of nature, isn't it. So small and delicate. Even fragile by the looks of it. But of course I don't know that yet. It could turn out to be strong and daring just like me. Pulling back Jason's chest expanded but it just sank right down again with no signs of life. I looked at Abigar to see what else could be done but he just stood there quietly, shaking his head. This can't be happening, I thought. I wanted to scream I was so angry. Forced to sit down on my knees, I took Jason's hand and kissed it as a tiny arm with tiny fingers reached to touch his face. As it made contact I wondered if Jason could sense us being there.

"Lucifer...Lucifer." A voice said, sounding faint.

"I'm here."

"Lucifer, I can't see. And I feel cold."

I put my head down in defeat. "I know baby. But I'm not going anywhere."

"Baby? Where is the baby? Is she safe?"

"Yes. She's right here. She's touching your face."

Jason tried to smile. His eyes barely moving. "I want you to take care of her for me. Please, Lucifer. She needs her father more than anything, right now."

Tears brimmed in my eyes as I struggled to hold them back. "I promise. I promise I will raise her and love her with every fiber of my being. You have my word."

"Thank you."

As a cough ravaged his body, I quickly took the baby and sit it down on the floor between my legs. Jason was nearing the end. I could feel it, sense it. Yet even with all my power I could not cheat death no matter if he was my spouse or not. Death would surely appear in time and take him away from me. And speaking of Death. A single breath came out like a puff of smoke on a cold winter day as I looked toward the sliding doors that resided over the private balcony. Out of the darkness, a single figure appeared dressed in a sharp suit with a stunning velvet red tie. A snap of his fingers and the doors pulled apart. Death had finally showed up.

 Death had finally showed up

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I got to my feet and blocked his path. Two brothers squaring off against each other. I was not going to let him take Jason away from me. Not without a fight. And when he stepped into the light of the room, I saw his face. A face I hadn't seen for a long, long time. A face that was equally handsome. And his eyes were green. In short, he was the post guy for the tall, dark and handsome type. Just like me. We shook hands in greeting, but not once did we look away from each other.

"Lucifer," he began. "It's been far too long brother."

"Yes it has. I believe the last we saw each other was during..."

"1963. When President Kennedy was assassinated."

"You remember."

"I remember everything. And I'm guessing you know the reason why I'm here tonight."

"I do. And you're not taking him."

Death rolled his eyes as he attempted to go around me but I wouldn't let him. "Look, enough with the threats, brother. I have a job to do. Same as you."

"Yeah, well, you're not completing this job. Now bring him back."

"I can't." He replied, his voice sounding firm. "His body shows signs of too much damage. Plus, even if I could, his soul is another problem."

"His soul? What are you talking about?"

"I don't have a connection to him. His soul is no longer in his body, Lucifer. It's like trying to catch a piece of wind through your fingers, but it just keeps slipping."

"Wait. Wait a minute. Are you telling me that his soul is stuck in some sort of limbo?"

"In a way, yes. And before you ask. No, I can't go get him."

I groaned in frustration. "Then what the hell are you doing here?!"

He held his hands up as a peace offering and took a step back. "I need you to allow me to ease his suffering. Please brother. At least let me do this for you."

"But he doesn't even have a heartbeat anymore. So in the mortal world he's already dead."

"Yes that's true. However, his body is in the beginning stages of crossing over. And there is a thin line between life and death."

"I know that!" I snapped. "Fuck! Just do what you can for him, brother."

In those final moments, the rest of the house was eerily silent. No one moved. No one made a sound. I sat on the floor beside Jason as I took his hand and softly kissed his lips. Our foreheads touched, my lips barely a whisper as my heart broke in two. "Goodbye my love." A final kiss and the ritual began. Placing a hand on Jason's chest, Death closed his eyes. And in that moment, the candles that lingered around the room magically ignited. A sign that the ritual was working. I squeezed Jason's hand firmly this time. Not wanting to let him go.

Afterwards, the candles extinguished in an instant as the smell of smoke lingered in the air. I looked up from Jason's peaceful face and closed his eyes. Whereas Death had vanished. Then suddenly I heard a car pull up outside and the front door opening as Abaddon stepped into the picture. He came up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder as the tears finally fell.

"Lucifer. I am so, so sorry."

"He's gone." I whispered. "He's really gone."

As I placed Jason's lifeless hand on his chest. The whole house began to rumble. What some thought of it to be an earthquake, those like me knew it was something else entirely. Hell had finally been unleashed. I could feel them all. The demons those that had been struggling to break free were now able to crossover onto the mortal plane and wreak havoc on the living. In a flash, the entire state of Los Angeles was in a panic and soon the entire world. A single outcry filled the room and all eyes were on the baby. It's like that old saying...when one life ends, another begins.

Author's Note: Well my loyal we are. I didn't actually think I'd make it this so far, but I believed in myself and finally finished it. As for the final chapter I may have the gist of it done but not entirely so to speak though it took me forever to write the damn thing. LOL. Anyways, in the morning I will start work on the Epilogue. And the rest of my unfinished works will be in progress once that's completed so tuned for those as well. I hope you guys enjoyed this story. I know I enjoyed writing it. Love you all!

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