Chapter Six: Just Good Business

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Pressed against the warm body of my future husband, I could not bring myself to fall asleep. I tossed, I turned, but my mind was restless for reasons that could not be explained. The clock on my nightstand said 3AM as I brushed the covers off and swung my legs over the side and planted both feet on the floor. I picked up my robe from the foot of my bed and left the room naked while basking in the moonlight.

I shut the door behind me as I slipped on the robe and walked down the stairs. The lights in the kitchen turned on because I willed them so, and started the coffee. A strong vibration ran down my spine as I shuddered and looked towards the patio that overlooked the pacific ocean. I walked across the room and stared out the double doors as a winged figure approached the glass.

"Ah, Amenadiel. How nice to see you again."

"Lucifer," he said, crossing his arms.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"

"Your return to the Underworld has been requested."

"No, I don't think I will. Besides, I'm just having way too much fun living here. It's quite nice actually."

Amenadiel stretches out his wings at full length, blocking out the moonlight. At the end of his wings are razor sharp blades that can cut through the flesh like a knife through butter. I slide open the door and step out into the night.

"The Underworld is becoming unstable. What do you think will happen to all those poor, demented souls if you don't restore the balance?"

"Hell on earth?" I joked.

"This is no joke, Lucifer, this is serious business."

I stood on the edge of the patio, a gentle breeze blowing in off the ocean. I could feel Amenadiel's eyes burning a hole in the back of my skull as I took a minute to capture my thoughts in order.

"I'm not ready to return just yet." I said, turning to look at him.

"The boy is innocent, Lucifer."

"Jason. His name is Jason. And he is mine."

"And what happens when he rejects you like the so many other's who came before him. What will you do than?"

"Then I'll return to Hell. But before that happens, I'm staying right here."

"God isn't going to give you anymore time, Lucifer. So you need to do something about your little arrangement and fast."

The night sky started to fade as the stars lost their starry glow. I looked over my shoulder at the horizon as the first rays of morning sunlight streaked across the Pacific Ocean. Amenadiel made his way past me and and stretched out his wings to full length.

"Get your affairs in order, Lucifer," he said. "Because if you don't, nothing will give me greater pleasure than to drag your ass back to Hell myself."

"Fuck you. Now get the hell off my property."

He smirks. "I'll be seeing you around. Until next time old friend."

I turn and head in the direction of the house as I hear Amenadiel launch into the air. I close the patio doors behind me and go in search of fresh coffee. A giant red mug greets me on the counter as I pour the rich black liquid into it and add a teaspoon of sugar and three creams. I retire from the kitchen and head back upstairs to the bedroom where a sleeping beauty rests peacefully in my bed.

And for a moment, I feel completely alive. Better than I have in a long time.

Author's Note: Hello Angels, here is the long-awaited sixth chapter of The Devil's Mark. I hope you guys enjoy it, sorry it's so short. I just wasn't feeling this chapter with Lucifer.

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