Chapter Twenty Five: Creation

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I was there in the beginning, when mankind had evolved immensely throughout the ages. With the fall of the dinosaurs came the cavemen and when they died, the first human beings were born. Adam and Eve were created by God to live in Paradise on earth where they soon fell away from their peaceful state and formed the present world full of suffering and injustice. After having been tricked by a serpent, Eve plucked an apple from the Forbidden tree and took a bite before sharing it with Adam. When God learned of this, he banished them from Paradise and foretold the consequences of their sins. And thus, hell was created.

They were to become overseers of purgatory, a gateway between heaven and hell for all time. Bound together on separate thrones, their bodies were turned to stone. Then came the angels; mystical beings of great power that were created by God to serve as his protectors, his warriors. I was his top Commander in the field. And I was good at it. For centuries, I served under my heavenly Father until the night I was betrayed. When I learned of my fate, I couldn't believe it. I was brought forth in front of God bound by chains that even my immense strength could not break free.

My brothers and sisters circled around me, their ivory armor glittering in the darkness as I kneeled before God. Stripped of my rank, my wings were torn from my back as I felt the blood slide down my skin.

"Lucifer Morningstar," said God. "Look at me."

I did as I was told. "Father. Please," I begged. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because you are not the son I once thought to have created. I should have recognized it sooner. Bring forth my wife!"

The angels broke formation as my mother made her way through the crowd as her hands were chained together. Her dress was made of stars. Her shoulder length black hair was pulled back slightly behind her ears as another tear streaked her porcelain cheeks. She was forced to her knees beside me as she swept silently.

"Idelia, you are here based on charges of being unfaithful to me. For your punishment, I sentence you to hell with your half-breed son, Lucifer."

I launched myself forward but stopped short do to the chains that held me in place. "Father!" I said. "You cannot do this. Please let us explain. Idelia is your wife."

"I'm sorry. But what's done is done. Cast them into the pit and be down with it."

Waving his hand through the air, a giant hole appeared in the center as lightning flashed across the sky. I stared at the many faces of my brothers and sisters and swore that one day I would have my revenge. The chains that were once bound to our wrists were no more as someone threw us into the pit. I was the first to fall as I tumbled toward the earth. Idelia fell in shortly thereafter, her body lifeless, perhaps still in shock. Our powerful descent sent a massive shockwave throughout the land as I struck the ground hard, leaving me unconscious.

But when I awoke with Idelia lying next to me, I look around and smelled the scent of fire and brimstone. And it was then, that I knew we were in hell.

Author's Note: Hello my angels! So here is another chapter for you. :) Hope you like it. Sorry it's so short. I don't like it when my chapters are short, to me it just doesn't feel right. But we see that in other books as well so anyways, it is what it is. Also, I already went ahead made the cover for the next book in the series. Hehe. I think you guys are going to like this one. It took me three try's to make the make cover because I kept misspelling the word 'obsession' with 'obssession' HAHA. Granted the next book won't be about Jason and Lucifer. It'll be about someone else. And each book will have a new devil along with his mate. I'm hoping there will be five books in total. *Fingers crossed* I already know who's going to be in books 2,3 & 5 but not 4. 

Okay, okay, I'm doing babbling. Oh and remember to vote, comment and follow for more future updates! I'm slipping through the cracks in the Watty's guys. Eeeek. Send my boys some love! 

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