Chapter Forty One: Honeymoon in London

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The lights of downtown London glittered in the night like a dozen stars as the jet readied itself for its final descent into Heathrow airport. Jason was fast asleep beside me with his head on my shoulder as I gently kissed the top of his head and sipped what remained in my glass. The wheels touched down on the tarmac at exactly 10:30PM and rolled along lazily to the hanger by 10:45PM. However, five minutes and thirty seconds later, a car arrived to take us to my condo in the city that I recently had renovated to welcome new life into this world. Jason stirred in his sleep by the time I got him into the car.

"Are we there yet?"

"Almost. Go back to sleep. I'll wake you when it's time to carry you across the threshold."

He smiled as he sighed deeply. "Looking forward to it."

I ordered the driver to go as I sat back against the leather seats with one arm wrapped firmly around my husband and our precious little one who would soon be brought into this world, kicking and screaming. It was damp this time of year which meant London would see its fair share of rain before the month was out. Rain pitter-pattered across the window as I looked out at the city where just a few hundred years ago, I left the throne of the Underworld and decided it was time to create a new kingdom. One that would even rival the likes of God and his almighty heaven on earth.

And I meant what I said to Jason about wanting to give him the world. Together, we would rule side by side, opposing those would dare try to defeat us. Across town a highrise erected from the ground up, towering towards the sky. The forty million dollar ten thousand square foot penthouse was a marvel in itself. Complete with state of the art technology and only the best security detail money could buy. The penthouse was designed in mind to be like Fort knox except only better. Classic contemporary with just a hint of old world charm mix them both together and you have one hell of a place to call home.

Still nestled within my lap I readied my body as the car pulled up in front of the building. I opened the door and stepped out into the drizzle while effortlessly carrying a sleeping Jason in my arms. The driver was kind enough to make it to the double doors and hold them open for us as I thanked him and walked clear across the lobby to the private elevators. I nudged the button P for Penthouse with my elbow as the doors closed and the elevator lurched upward. Above the panel to the right of the doors was the digital indicator, telling us how many floors we passed as I leaned down and kissed my new husband on the lips.

"Time to wake up my love," I murmured. "We're here."

Jason sighed deeply as he slowly opened his eyes. "How long have I been out?"

"A few hours. You fell asleep shortly after takeoff."

"Mmm. Wait. Have you been holding me this whole time?"

"Yes. And I must say I've enjoyed every minute of it."

"Oh, no. I didn't talk in my sleep did I?"

I smirked. "Maybe. Maybe not. That's for me to decide."

The elevator came to a sudden stop as it dinged softly before the doors opened again allowing the way into a spacious foyer. A mahogany round table sat at its center with a beautiful red glass vase filled with white lilies, red tulips, long stem roses and blue orchids. While a thank you card from the realtor who I bought the penthouse from congratulated us on our wedding. I turned on the lights as I walked down the hallway past the kitchen and into the living room. A long array of windows showcased the entire city of downtown London while the lights from the nearby buildings lit up the night sky.

I set Jason down on the couch as I took off my jacket and draped it over the back of a chair that sat across from him. Next came the cufflinks and tie followed by my shoes and socks. I went to the kitchen and opened up the fridge in search of something to drink. When I didn't find anything appealing I returned to the living room and headed straight for the minibar over in the corner. Various alcoholic drinks rested comfortably in their decanter's as I grabbed a crystal glass from underneath the cart. I screwed off the top, poured the smooth gold tint liquid into the glass and took a sip. Ah! That hit the spot. Right there.

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