Chapter Forty Three: The Deal

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I've always enjoyed the taste of a good scotch. Whether it was the spicy aroma or the distinct pale gold saturation that resided well within the crystal glass. It was also my go to drink after a very successful business meeting with potential clients. Standing in a high rise building located in the heart of the City of London, a storm was brewing. Dark clouds rolled in across the sky nearly blanketing the entire city into darkness. A warning as I often took it, a sign of things to come. I bid farewell to the Japanese via video conferencing and left without a moment too soon.

Though I had to wonder if Jason was home now. In the final days leading up to the pregnancy. I started to feel like something was wrong. The only problem was I couldn't quite put my finger on it. And that scared me more than the birth of my own offspring. I rushed to the elevator and jabbed the button with the arrow pointing down as I stared at the digital display in annoyance. Each floor sounded with a ding as the elevator car moved between levels on its way up to me. While the heel of my Italian handmade leather shoes started to leave a dent in the floor.

When the doors finally opened and I stepped inside, a call came in as I reached into my jacket and pulled out my cellphone.


"Hey. It's me. Just calling to let you know that I arrived home safely."

"Good. That's good. How'd it go at the doctor's?"

"Fine I guess. I mean, everything seems to be normal."

"Do we have a due date yet?"

"Uh, the middle of next week is what I think she said. Yeah, that's it."

"Alright then. Listen, I'm leaving the meeting now. Is there anything special you want for dinner tonight?"

"No. Not really. Just pick up something simple."

I chuckled. "Okay. I love you baby."

"I love you too."

Once down in the lobby, I strolled through a crowd of humans dressed as secretaries, office workers, business executives and even a couple of CEO's on my way elsewhere. The hour was getting late by the time I made it to my car that was parked in a underground parking garage across the street. Suddenly, the lights that ran along the ceiling started to flicker as one by one the bulbs fizzed out as if someone had sucked out the energy source in an attempt to scare me. With the key fob still in my hand I pushed the button for the headlights as the bright LED lights illuminated the space in front of me.

"Lucifer," a voice called out from the darkness.

"Who's there?"


"Show yourself."

"As you wish."

Stepping out of the darkness armed to the teeth with daggers, guns, and even a sword that was forged in the fires of Hell. Abigar was a man of mystery. His black hair was razor cut and his eyes were neither sapphire or blue, but could show the whole of Creation in a single glance if that person were to stare at him long enough. Even his body showed signs of countless wars between the angels and demons as he fought to maintain order. Scars etched upon his skin like a plague. Some were even worse than others but it didn't matter to him. He thought of them more as trophies for his victories on the battlefield.

"It's been awhile, old friend." He said. "Congratulations on your marriage."

"What are you doing here?'

"To tell you that your father is here and resides in the body of a mortal man. Be on your guard."

"So you came here to warn me, is that it?"

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