Chapter Ten: The Accident

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Skin against skin, chest against back, and an arm wrapped around the one person you knew you were going to be spending the rest of eternity with would make even the most wicked man on earth feel like a million bucks. And that is how I feel whenever I'm around Jason. He completes me. He makes me feel things that I haven't felt since five thousand B.C. before Christ. Sunlight pours in through the balcony doors as I kiss the back of his neck and brush my fingers up and down his bicep as he stirs in his sleep and slowly opens his eyes to the world.

"Good morning, beautiful."

"Hi," he smiles. "What time is it?"

I reach behind me and pick up my phone from the nightstand, pushing the home button to check the time. "It is 8:30 and time for me to ready for work."

"Oh," he says, the sound of disappointment creeping into his voice. "What time will you be home?"

I turn his face to kiss him softly. "I have a business meeting today at 2:30PM, but I'm sure I can switch it around for a later date."

"No, don't do that. I was just wondering."

"No, honestly, it's no problem."

"Lucifer, it's okay. Please don't cancel your meeting because of me. Keep it The reason I asked, was because I wanted to know if we could have dinner tonight in town. You know, like an official date."

"Sure. What are you in the mood for?"

"Hmm. Surprise me."

"Done. I'll call you before the meeting and make the reservations. Wear something cute."


I kiss him on the forehead before tossing the covers off and walking stark naked across the room into the bathroom. I shower, I shave, and brush my teeth all within an hour before walking into the closet and getting dressed. To the right are the pieces that go into building a suit: A dress shirt, slacks, a jacket, and a tie. And to my left are various accessories to match: Watches, cufflinks and dress shoes. I emerge from the closet to see the bed empty as my future husband is draped in the bedsheet standing out on the balcony.

God, he looked even more devastating by sunlight. Shimmering rays of golden streaks caress his body almost as if he were bathing it. I walked up to him, tilted his head, and leaned in to kiss him with as much passion as I could possibly muster. He grabbed the front of my jacket as I deepened the kiss, my tongue slipping into his mouth, twisting and probing. I wanted my scent to be on him so that everyone would know who he belonged to. Then the bedsheet slipped from his perfect body leaving him in all his lushes nakedness that made my dick rock hard in an instant.

"Mmmm." I moaned. "Fuck...I'm seriously thinking about taking the day off and taking you to my bed and having my way with you."

"Then why don't you?"

"Because as I told you last night. I won't have sex with you until you are properly ready. And this right here, what we're doing, does not fall into that category."

"You know for being the devil, you sure are such a tease."

I smirked. "That's me baby. Big cock, big tease. Whatever fuels your fire. Now I have to leave."

Taking another glance at his body, I wiped my lips with my thumb as I savored the kiss between us and gave him a wink before heading toward the door. The coffee maker was just finished with its morning brew by the time I stepped into the kitchen and grabbed my mug of fresh black coffee. It's hot flavorful aroma warmed my senses and my body as I sighed with content and walked out to my car with my keys in hand.

I was feeling good. Feeling really good for a change. I'd say if I didn't know any better then I must've taken the liberty of adding a little pep to my step without even realizing it. Ha! That's rather amazing actually. Then I slipped into the driver seat, jabbed the key in the ignition and off I went. The sight and sound of four burning tires was like music to my ears. Driving at high speeds of over one hundred miles an hour, I never saw a reason to drive like a normal person.

But living life like a human in the real world has been rather amazing. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever actually think that I, the devil, the ruler of hell, would actually uproot my entire life and come here to Los Angeles. The day I made my decision was twenty-five years ago, the night Jason was born. As did the ones that came before him, many of them would soon fall under my spell, my charm and of course my sex-appeal. But then sooner or later, they would all reject me and I'd hurt again for a very long time.

Throwing the memories of the past back into a folder labeled: FORBIDDEN. I turned up the radio with the music blasting out the windows as I cruised along the expressway and headed into downtown Los Angeles. Traffic was starting to build up by the time I entered the city limits and I was forced to lower my speed to an unbearable eighty miles an hour. Far off in the distance, I could see Morningstar Enterprises as the sun came up over the tops of skyscrapers, blinding the street goers with pure light. I was beginning to lower the sun visor when I wanted to wear my sunglasses instead, as I reached across and popped open the glove compartment.

Between the music and the roar of the engine, I never saw the front end of a dump truck smashing into the passenger side as the sound of groaning metal and shattered glass littered the street. When it was over and my vision was blurry, I looked at my hand and I had to smile for I was holding my sunglass case. Blood slid down my face as I lay deep within the mangled wreck, my body broken in several areas. I popped my shoulder back into its socket as I reached for the seatbelt ejector and tore it out of its place.

I could hear the nearby cries coming from the people as my vision began to slowly clear up as I looked through the metal and noticed some were even taking pictures just as new vans and police officers started to arrive. These bastards, the lot of them. Not one coming to my rescue. Still trapped and unable to get myself free, I was able, however, to punch out what remained of the driver side door as the cops performed a perimeter around the crash site. But suddenly I noticed a strong odor from somewhere nearby as I sniffed the air again and muttered underneath my breath.

Ah, shit. Gasoline. The fuel tank must have ruptured during the crash. Now it's spilling out all over the road. All it would take is just one spark and BOOM it's lights out for me. Then the crowd gasped in horror as I shut my eyes just in time to feel the car explode and myself be engulfed by flames.

Author's Note: Hello, my lovelies. Here is another chapter just for you and it's not even midnight yet. LOL. Hope you enjoy it. And remember to Vote, Comment and Follow for more future updates.

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