Chapter Twenty Six: The Devil's Plaything

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A few days later we returned home to Los Angeles. It felt good to be back in the states after having been gone for more than a week. While our time in Italy was nothing short of spectacular, I couldn't help but think of what was to come next. The wedding? Perhaps, but at what cost? Lucifer mentioned to me earlier that money wasn't issue. Then came the date. At this point nothing was set in stone, but I was thinking sometime around mid-fall because that's when the leaves start to change and the colors are in full bloom. With so many things that were buzzing around my head at the moment, I felt like I was going to have a full-on seizure.

Sitting on the couch in front of the television with my legs stretched out across Lucifer's lap, the urge for a five minute nap washed me. I started dozing off around the time a new car commercial appeared on screen as I sunk back against the cushions and closed my eyes. When suddenly a hand grabbed my foot and started to massage it. Strong hands with a soft touch, Lucifer was a master in his own right. Using my other foot as leverage I pushed against Lucifer's leg as my eyes opened again and stared into his. His hands continued to work over my foot as I bit my bottom lip and tried not to moan.

"Does that feel good?" He asked.

"Yes," I breathed. "God, yes."

"Boy, I just the love the way that ring looks on you."

A streak of sunlight appeared through the window behind me as it lingered on the floor between the couch and coffee table. Tilting my hand to the side, the diamonds sparkled in the light as they reflected back into my eyes, blinding me a little. I turned my head away just in time to see a very handsome man lean in close, our lips barely touching, as Lucifer kissed the top of my forehead and leapt off the couch before he made his way up the stairs with the luggage. After a moment of just lying there in total silence, I decided that I was thirsty and went in search of something cool to drink.

Grasping the handle of the refrigerator door firmly in my hand, I opened it expecting it to be fully stocked from front to back, but I was wrong. Very little food as far as leftovers went were stacked neatly on top of each other in little plastic containers. While an assortment of wine chilled on the shelves. A small bowl of grapes, strawberries and cantaloupe looked appealing to me as I pulled it out along with a bottle of water I found stashed in one of the drawers down below. I shut the door with a swing of my hip as I set the bowl down and hopped up on the counter next to the stove, humming softly to myself.

The fruit tasted great as the juices flooded my tongue and even drizzled down my chin. More and more I found myself eating the delicious fruit until there was nothing left in the bowl. I frowned because it was gone and also because I was still hungry. My stomach growled in testament to that remark as I slid off the counter and went in search of more food. I made short work of opening up all the cabinets in the kitchen by the time Lucifer came down the stairs wearing a towel.

"Jason? What on earth are you doing?"

"I'm ravenous," I said, searching for food. "I need to find something to eat. But there's nothing here."

"Okay, I can order takeout."

A jab from inside my stomach forced me to grab the edge of the counter for support as a wave of uneasiness washed over me. Lucifer made the motion to step forward but I held up my hand to stop him. Then it was gone. The sickness was gone and I felt normal again. How strange, I wondered. Pushing it aside for now, I was still hungry. I noticed a pamphlet menu from a Chinese restaurant lay on the floor next to my foot as I bent down to pick it up. A quick scan of the menu followed by a three minute phone call later, our dinner was ordered and would be delivered shortly. I hung up the phone and headed upstairs.

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