Chapter Seven: Money, Money, Money!

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The sound of the crashing waves was the first thing that woke me up in the morning. Turning over in the bed, I was completely blinded by the early morning sunrise as I shielded my eyes against the deadly rays that stung my irises. A humorous chuckle snapped my head around as Lucifer emerged from the walk-in closet, putting on the finishing touches to his casual suit.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty."

"Hi. You're up kind of early."

He grinned as he walked over to the bed. "I gotta go to work. But I'll be back later tonight. Oh, and before I forget, I have something for you."

"What is it?"

Reaching inside the pocket of his jacket, a large envelope appeared addressed to me with my name scrolled on the front. Lucifer hands me the package and goes back to putting on a pair of cufflinks. I open the flap and dump the contents all over the bed. Rolls of cash, a passport, car keys, and about five different credit cards each with my name written in tiny gold letters. But instead of my last name at the end it now reads Jason Morningstar.

"Morningstar?" I ask.

"Lucifer Morningstar. That's me."

"And I need all these things because?"

"Because since you're living with me, I want you to be able to do anything that you set your mind to. You can use the jet anytime you want. What's mine is yours."

"This is just too much. I mean, I wouldn't know where to begin."

"Well, for starters you can take a drive into the city, explore the shops and take in the sights."

I scanned the items in front of me as if I were looking at a puzzle. This is so weird, I thought to myself as I slipped out of bed and put on a robe that was just my size. The double doors leading out onto the balcony lay open before me as I stepped out into the light. Lucifer appeared behind me as he put his hands on my waist and held me firmly against his chest.

"You smell good," I mentioned out of thin air.

Lucifer laughed. "I'm glad you think so. It's new cologne I'm wearing."

"Well whatever it is, it's really turning out to be quite the turn on."

"Is that so?" His voice drops low. "What else turns you on?"

His fingers pressed deep into my skin as I swallowed, hard. "Are you going to be late for work?"

"You're right. We shall continue this discussion over dinner."

And just like that he was gone. I turned to face the bedroom as I headed back to the bed and picked up the rolls of cash. Freshly crisp bills all in hundreds felt heavy in my hand as if I was holding some kind of weight. How was he expecting me to hold onto this much cash? I looked around for my pants when I realized that I left my wallet back at home along with my old life. The thought of my parents started to make me feel a twinge of regret and I was tempted to call them but the thought of Lucifer finding out made me think twice so I decided to wait.

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