Chapter Thirty: Growing Pains

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The following day came and went by in a blur as if someone had pushed the fast forward button on my life. But before I knew it, it was Friday.So that would mean I slept for a day and a half, litterally. I awoke the next day at daybreak feeling groggy and disorientated as I sat up in bed, looking around the bedroom. Lucifer slept on his stomach, his face practically buried in the pillow. I slowly exhaled through my mouth and ran my fingers through my hair before pushing the covers off my body and planting both feet on the floor. I went to the bathroom to do my business when I noticed something strange in the mirror.

My twin in the mirror mimicked my movements as I turned to the side and placed a hand on the smooth, pea-sized bump that seemed to form out of nowhere. That's not possible, I thought to myself. This can't be happening. The thing inside of me jerked as I gasped, moving my hand away quickly at the weird sensation that seemed to tickle in the palm of my hand. I believe I've just been kicked in the stomach. A gentle knock at the door forced me to snap my head around as Lucifer framed himself in the doorway, his arms folded across his chest. He must have seen the reaction on my face as he came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm not sure, to be honest. But I'm scared, Lucifer. Why is this happening to me?"

"I don't know. This is the first time I've ever seen anything like this before."

Suddenly I heard my phone going off in the bedroom as Lucifer let me go and I ran to answer it. The caller ID came from Dr. Hamilton's office. I was hesitant in picking up the phone but I bit my lip, sucked it up and swiped my thumb across the screen.


"Hi, I'm looking for Jasper Drake. This is Lexi calling from Dr. Hamilton's office."

"Oh, hi, Lexi. This is Jasper."

"Hi there, Jasper. I was wondering if you had time today to come in and speak with the doctor about your test results."

I looked to Lucifer who just nodded his head to which I replied, "Sure that's fine. Around what time?"

"Let's see," she said, typing away at the computer. "Dr. Hamilton has an opening today early this afternoon sometime around 2:30. Would that work for you?"

"Yes. That'll be perfect. Thank you, Lexi."

"No problem. You have yourself a great day now."

The call disconnected as I hung up and sat on the edge of the bed with my phone in my lap. Lucifer looked towards the balcony that gave a breathtaking view of the ocean below. The sunlight bouncing off his skin made him look radiant like he was stepping into the white light. As I walked over to him, his eyes tracked my movements as he reached for me and took me in his arms. The soft brush of his lips across my forehead felt like a life preserver as I wrapped my arms around him and held on tight, not wanting to let go. The warmth of his skin, the tightness in his triceps as he squeezed me just a little, all these little details made me feel a little better.

We stayed like that for a while until we found ourselves lying on the bed together with our hands joined and our eyes locked, yet not once did we ever look away from one another. I winced slightly when the thing inside of me moved again, like it was pushing around my intestines to try and make room for itself. Lucifer's face was one of concern, putting his hand on my stomach to steady my movements, the baby ceased all activity as if by a miracle it knew it was him. Relief washed over me in an instant as I inhaled and exhaled slowly, staring up at the ceiling while Lucifer pretended to draw circles on my stomach.

"I can't believe this is real," I murmured.

"I know," he said softly. "But we'll figure something out."

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