Chapter 2 - It's all over

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Lisa's POV

It's been 6 months, I've lost everything, my family, my friends, I even ended up leaving the band, the fans are mad at me.

I tried everything. That morning I went downstairs, I needed some food and a drink really badly. Suddenly I dropped to the ground in pain. I even screamed.

"Lisa?" Katherine said

"Please help me, I'll never ask for anything else I just need help, please" I beg her.

She runs out the room, I thought she left me but then the comes back with Christina and Amy, whilst calling the ambulance.

I shuddered and suddenly I started bleeding out of you know where.

"Oh my gosh!" I cried, my eyes started to close

"Lisa stay with us" Amy said, her and Christina were kneeling at my side.

The ambulance arrived and put me in the back.

Suddenly everything went black

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