Chapter 3 - Misscarriage

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Christina's POV

Lisa's not awake yet, they had to do some things on her so when we arrived we had to stay outside the room.

I feel bad for not being there for Lisa, I mean yeah she made a mistake but she made that mistake 6 months ago. I'm sure it was never her idea it was that stupid Rick because she's not like that and he is, she just made the mistake I've made before, dating the wrong boy for you, however she let him push her further than I did because she's not a leading type person.

A doctor came out "so Lisa had a miscarriage however she was having twins and one survived, do you know anything that might have caused this miscarriage?"

No one spoke up so I did "I think it might have been stress but we'll help her" my sisters looked at me but eventually nodded.

"You can go in and see her if you like, she's starting to wake up"

Lisa's POV

I woke up to my sisters entering the room talking.

"She's our sister maybe we were a bit harsh" Katherine said

They sat down

"Lisa we're sorry, even though you made a mistake even you understand that, we should have been there for you" Christina said

"It's okay, so um what happened after I blacked out?" I asked

"You had a miscarriage but one survived"

"I was having twins ? Wow how did I not notice" I said in shock

"Well we didn't either so don't feel too stupid" Katherine smiled sympathetically.

"I didn't even go to the doctors or anything before this, I couldn't be so cruel as to have an abortion but neither did I want to fall in love with my baby because I thought it would make you guys hate me more" I started crying

"Lise we never really hated you, we were just ashamed that's all and I felt a bit left out when you were dating Rick so I got angry but I'm not angry anymore, you're allowed to love your baby all you want" Amy said hugging me carefully.

So I booked my first ever ultrasound. I could have it tomorrow whilst I was still in the hospital.

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