Chapter 5 - The talk

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Lisa's POV

It's the second day of being back home, today I'm going to my parent's house.

"I'll drive you c'mon" Christina said

It felt weird because I usually drive and Christina sits shotgun but it's the opposite today.

I'm nervous, I haven't been here in a few months. I feel like me being here will start drama.

Christina knocked on the door. Dani opened it.

"Hey Chris!" She said then realised I was there "what's she doing here?" Dani asked scowling at me.

"We'll talk in a minuet" Christina said

I sat in the dining room as they went to talk.

Dani's POV

Ugh Lisa's here, last time I saw her was a month ago, I was at their house for band work and she came downstairs for a minuet. 

Christina dragged to my room, I saw Lauren on the way.

"Lauren! Lis-" Christina covered my mouth

"Werbgsfjdght" I tried to talk.

"We're not stopping to have a chit chat Danielle"

"Why are you protecting her anyway, she kinda needed that 6 months ago"

Lauren stared sniggering

"What are you on about?"

"As in she needed to use protection"

"Guys!" Christina got annoyed

"Anyway basically Lisa's here because she needs to talk to mom and dad. I'd like if you two gave her a second chance, I mean c'mon she's your sister, yes she made a mistake but doesn't everyone. Seriously she just went for the wrong guy, got pushed too far by him. I'm sure you guys have gone for the wrong guy before"

"Yeah but she still did it and it's way worse than just going for the wrong guy" I said, Lauren agreed, we went into her room.

Christina's POV

Well that failed, Lauren and Dani won't listen to me and give her a chance. I don't know what I'm going to do if they won't listen.

Lisa's POV

Christina came back in

"Let's go talk to them"

We went into the family room, they were moved there.

"I need to talk to you guys about something..." I said, they nodded looking at me.

"Well um I don't know what to say, um I had a miscarriage but I was having twins so ones still alive"

"This is wrong! You should of just had an abortion, you're destroying this family!!" My dad shouted, I started crying.

"What's going on?" Lauren asked walking into the room.

"Your sister can't learn from her mistakes" my mom said

"Lisa!! This is all your fault!! You've ruined everything!!!" Lauren's hand dived towards my stomach.

"Stop!" Christina pulled her away just in time. Suddenly everyone was downstairs arguing. I didn't say or do anything, I just stood there.

Christina put her arm around my shoulder "c'mon let's go" she said

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