Chapter 7 - Name

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Lisa's POV

We're coming home today and I have a name, I haven't told anyone yet though! I'm a bit nervous to come home because of Amy and Katherine who are back to hating me.

On the ride home I told Christina

"So I have a name, Hunter Rose Christine Cimorelli"

"Omg I love it!" Christina smiled, I smiled back, it was a beautiful name. After my sister Christina, she's an amazing person, she's helped me through so much through out my life. Also after Lauren, I still love her no matter what, to show I'd forgive even if she nearly hit my stomach, because she's my sister.

I unbuckled myself and then I took Hunter in her cat seat and then Christina grabbed my bags I took to the hospital, no one else was home.

As I put Hunter down in the living room there was a knock at the door.

"Rick" I sighed "what are you doing here?"

"I want see my child" he said

"What? So you leave me for 9 months to carry our child and then you go ahead and try to come into our lives, no thanks Rick, bye" I said shutting the door. Christina worked past and high fives me.

"Now that was a good one" she laughed "his face was so funny when you started shutting the door"

"Oh Christina I'm so glad I have you, to look out for me, to teach me your sassy ways"

"No problem Lisa" she hugged me, I loved her hugs.

Hunter started crying so I picked her up.

"Now why's my baby crying? Are you hungry?" I say in that voice you tend to make whilst talking to babies.

"Hey I'm going to Nick's house in a week, want to come with?" Christina walked in with a banana.

"I wouldn't want to be in the way" I said

"Oh you wouldn't, I don't want to leave you here anyway, with them"

"I guess I will then"

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