Chapter 30 - Not really okay

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Hunter's POV

I'm a bit confused, after arriving in Nashville we went on a walk. It was nice and fun, I talked to aunt Dani for a while. Suddenly this man turned up, I figured from what they were saying that he's my real dad...what the heck? We went home. I stayed in silence.

"I should explain" mom said. "Okay so before you were born I was dating a man called Rick, he wasn't a good person but I never realised, he made me get distant from your aunts and uncles. I ended up pregnant, with you and he left me. Everyone was really mad at me. Christina came around eventually and helped me through it. Remember the band I told you about? Well I left it, so did Christina after a while and it all tumbled down. With that we moved to California. 3 years later, all your aunties were staying in California, we were at Christina's house. I went in for a second to get something. You were taken by your real dad, Rick. It wasn't anyone fault, well apart from Rick's. I came back and shouted at him, he dropped you in the road and that's why your in a wheel chair. I should have told you a long time ago, I know, I'm sorry"

"Mom it's okay" I said, I don't think it's really okay, I mean my own dad is the reason I'll never stand on my own two feet.

Lisa's POV

I feel terrible, I feel like a failure. I wish I never met Rick but I love Hunter obviously, I wish Louis was her real father.

It was quiet the rest of the day, which is weird, for a house of so many.

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