Chapter 16 - Youtube

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Lisa's POV

I've been thinking about something recently, starting YouTube, it will be fun.

"Hey Hunts, how do you feel about making videos for YouTube?" I asked her

"Yayyy!!" She put her hands in the air, I smiled. So we went to the mall. I got filming equipment and also we went to in n' out because Hunter really wanted to. I make sure she eats healthy but treats don't hurt.

I sat down on the couch and called Hunter over. I turned on the camera.

"Hey guys, it's been a few years since I've made a video and all I've done is tweet, I know but I've decided to start YouTube, again, you'll get to see me in my everyday life as I vlog, Q&As, challenges and just random videos"

"Yay!!" Hunter said "mommy I want pizza for dinner" she said randomly

"We had in n out sweaty, maybe we can in a few days, anyway we're making a video" I chuckled

"Okay mommy " she smiled

"So make sure to stay in tune, I'll have a video up in just a few days" I said

*the next day*

Today I was going to vlog, I got up earlier than usual for no actual reason, I started filming.

"Hey guys, today I'm going to vlog, so Hunter is still sleeping because she likes to sleep in, I'm just gonna make breakfast and then today we're going to the beach with Nick and Christina, but Hunter doesn't know yet so I'm really excited to tell her, she LOVES the beach! We're gonna fly to Malibu just for the fun of it and then have some fun on that amazing beach! We'd drive but that would take all day and then it would be no fun"

I made some eggs and bacon, woke Hunter up who didn't seem very happy at first.

"Hey I know what will cheer you up" I said giving her a plate of food on a Disney Frozen plate because she loves Disney like me.

"What?" She asked curiously.

"We're going to Malibu beach today, we can wear pretty clothes and pretty swimsuits and have fun all day!" I said.

"Yayyyyyy!!" She cheered.

Lisa Cimorelli- Pregnant?!Where stories live. Discover now