Chapter 24 - Is she okay?

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Lisa's POV

I ran to my child. Crying and crying.

"My Hunter Rose..."

The ambulance came, they took her, it was all happening so fast. Everything went black.

I woke up to Christina by my side. Her eyes all red.

"Is she okay??" I asked, I was in a hospital bed but I didn't care.

"She broke her spine..she's paralysed"

I broke down, it should of been me.

"I'm gonna kill him!!" I jumped up. Christina put her hand on my shoulder.

"Kill who?"

"Rick!! He did this! I saw him, he paralysed his own daughter!" I cried

"Oh my gosh!" Christina covered her mouth.

"I need to see Hunter!"

I felt like I was gonna throw up, I felt that anxious.

"She's in the room 3 doors down" Christina said. We walked down there.

"Mommy!" Hunter said "why did that man do that?"

"I don't know" I lied

"She can never know the truth" I whispered to Christina.

Lisa Cimorelli- Pregnant?!Where stories live. Discover now