Chapter 12 - Waking up

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Christina's POV

Lisa's out of operating, now I'm just waiting for her to wake up, apparently it went well. She's can't travel for like two to four days so Rachel said we could spend it at her sister's house, I said it was okay but she insisted that her sister wanted us to and was more than happy.

I sat beside her bed, Hunter was fidgeting in my arms, obviously wanting her mom to wake up. I swear when she's older I will have endless stories of her as a baby, I can just tell.

"Mommy will wake up soon" I said and kissed her head. Just then Lisa's hand twitched, her eyes started opening.

"Hi" she said

"Hey" I replied "seriously Lise you could have died" I sighed

"It was for you two and I'm alive"

"Yeah" I muttered

"Are you mad at me?"

"No I couldn't be, you just saved my life" I rubbed her hand "I was just very scared for you"

I handed her Hunter and they both settled down almost instantly, no one can beat the bond of mother and child.

"Also I bumped into Rachel"

"As in my ex best friend Rachel?" She said in shock, I nodded.

"She said she really missed you everyday and I know you missed her, she's outside if you want to see her"

"Of course I do!" Lisa smiled

I got Rachel to come in and we talked for at least an hour.

The doctor told us of Lisa's all good tomorrow she can leave.

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