Chapter 34 - Getting my family back

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Hunter's POV

I was in this dark, broken looking room, I didn't know what to do, I was tied up. Feet and hands, just laying there, there was definitely no way I could get out. As I was facing a steel staircase. Probably the only way out. The last thing I remember was being in the front yard with Dad, laughing, when someone grabbed me. Where's dad? I began to cry.

"Hunter?" A voice said.

"Dad?" I asked scared.

"It's me honey, just stay calm, I'm gonna get us out of here"

It was gloomy and I'm guessing it was dark, even if I couldn't see a window. Then I heard more voices.

"I'm going to the bar, probably won't be back till tomorrow, not that I want to see your bitch of a face again" a man said, I recognised it, yesterday? At least I think it was yesterday, I can't be sure. My real dad? Did he just kidnap me?

Lisa's POV

I got a message from Rachel saying she was on her way. I waited anxiously.

"You don't have to come Chris, I don't want to put you in danger" I told my oldest sister.

"No I want to, I couldn't just sit here knowing my sister, my niece and my soon to be brother in law are in danger"

I hugged her.

Christina's POV

"Nick I'm going out, I'll tell you everything later" I said, hugging him.

"Why not now?" He asked

"I probably don't have time to explain, it's for Lisa, look after Jade and Aiden"

We kissed and then I went back to Lisa. I could tell he was worried, me being pregnant and all. I was kinda worried but I didn't say anything about it to Lisa, she needed my help.

Rachel arrived. I got in shotgun and Lisa got in the back. It was silent most the way. Till we finally arrived. We got to the basement door.

"He locked it and kept the key on him so we're gonna need to pick the lock" Rachel said. I pulled out a hair grip, Lisa tried to unlock it.

"It's not working...wait...yes!" She said, the door opened. To a steal staircase in a dark room.

"Think you could get away with this. Huh? Shame your baby sister told on me"

Lisa's POV

I turned around to see Rick. He pulled Christina back. She screamed, kicking him in you know where.

"Ughhh" he grunted. I ran down the stairs.

"Mom!!" I heard hunter say. I picked her up.

"Louis??!" I shouted

"Here!" He said. Then what sounded like him trying to stand up but falling. Rachel and Christina followed me down. They helped Louis.

"Move and I'll shoot" Rick said.

"I've already been shot before Rick, I'm done with it all. I just want a life, without my kid and fiance being taken from me. I want a happy life. Yet no, this is what I yet. What did I do to you? All I've done is used to love you" I said

"Shut your mouth or I'll shoot!" He shouted.

"That's the thing, I prepared for that"

He pulled the trigger, about to shoot, when the cops ran through and grabbed him. As he shot. It hit through the roof. That was damn close!

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