Chapter 9 - Explanation

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Christina's POV

I'm planning on leaving the band but only Nick knows, I mean the girls don't like me, they're blatantly mad at me, what's the point?

I want to settle down but I also needs to be there for Lisa, so I'm moving out and I'm letting Lisa come with me, for as long as she needs, I'm pretty excited to tell her, Nick doesn't mind at all.

Lisa's POV

It's evening, I lay down in bed thinking of everything, my family, my friends, everyone I've lost just to have Hunter, I don't regret yet though, I regret Rick. It's crazy how much one person can matter, like Rick made me forget everything in a bad way, Hunter makes me forget everything in a good way. So I guess you could say life is better.

I looked on Twitter again, what? I haven't tweeted since earlier, I defiantly didn't tweet an hour ago, but there's a tweet there!

Lisacim: the reason I left the band is because I was pregnant, yeah I have a disgusting child now, bye freaks!

What?! I've been someone who one would believe me though. I guess I've just gotta tell them, I decided to make a video to go on my personal channel.

"Hey guys so we have a lot to clear up, first of all an hour ago I was hacked on Twitter, however they told the truth, I do have a child. Now I know, it's wrong, It's a terrible mistake but everyone makes them, I love my daughter she is in no way disgusting, she beautiful, cute, everything I imagined in a child. Her name is Hunter Rose Cimorelli"

I held Hunter

"I'm in Nick, Christina's boyfriend's spare room right now because I'm staying here for the next week, yes I have fallen out with my sisters, apart from Christina, we no longer follow each other on social media. Also you guys are defiantly not freaks, I love you guys and I always will"

Then the door opened it was Christina "hey I need to tell you something"

"Oh I'm filming a video, someone hacked my Twitter I needed explain"

"Well I guess I'll tell the camera this whilst I'm at it"

"Hey guys, so the past few months without Lisa in the band, there's been a lot of drama in the family, I felt like it needs to end so I'm leaving the band, I'm not sure what will happen to it but yeah, it's just what I have to do, I love you guys"

"Chris you don't have to" I said quietly to her

"It's for the better" she replied

"Bye" we both said.

"Maybe we should post this on cimorelliband channel" Christina said

"But won't that make the girl want to kill me more, we still have to live with them"

"That's another thing I need to tell you" she smiled "well we're moving to North California with Nick"

"Are you sure? Won't I like be third wheeling but 24/7?" I laughed

"No it's okay, it's your home as well, Nick doesn't mind, I'll help you out for as long as you need you know Lisa"

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