Chapter 17 - Lauren

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Lisa's POV

I stepped off the plane, Hunter was fidgeting on my hip, giggling at nothing but her own excitement.

"How long is it till we get to the beach?" She asked

"Soon baby" I said. I walked through the airport, we got our bags, Christina and I talked about things we could do that we used to do, although we hated living in the LA area Malibu is an awesome place, although the people aren't that friendly.

We decided to eat at a nice Italian restaurant.

"Ryan leave me alone! Seriously!" I heard someone exclaim, I turned around to see Lauren, a guy stood next to her, a little too close after the way she just yelled at him, he was smirking weirdly. Then he pushed her again by the wall and started hitting her, I immediately jumped up and ran to her. I pushed this Ryan dude out the way, I think I remember her telling me about him years ago when we lived in Malibu. Constantly hitting on her and creeping her out.

"And who are you??" Ryan said rudely.

"Her sister! Now get the heck out of here!" I yelled at him, he put his hands up in defence

"Lauren" I whispered.

"Lisa!" She sobbed

"Are you okay?" I asked

"I'm fine it's just I'm sorry, for everything, I love you" she cried, I pulled into a hug

"I've missed you way too much Lauren" I said to her, Christina came over and joined the hug. I've got Lauren back.

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