Chapter 11 - I'd take a bullet for you

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Lisa's POV

I never thought I'd actually take a bullet for someone but I was always willing to....

We were driving to California, I did this over a year ago, it's fun but really hard to survive, it takes like 28 hours from south California so it will be like 35 or something, wow.

I sat next to Christina as she drove. We danced and talked for a few hours then stopped at a service station.

We got out, Christina was holding Hunter, those two were basically obsessed with each other, it was so cute and suddenly someone with a gun and a mask on. He pointed it at Christina and Hunter, he pulled the trigger, I ran in front of them.

Christina's POV

Some guy just tried to shoot me and Hunter and Lisa took the bullet for us, oh my gosh. I kneeled at her side and sobbed, more than ever before. There was a crowd around me

"I called 911!" Someone yelled. Lisa was bleeding so much, I was crying, Hunter was crying, not that she really understood, she was just scared, so was I, I couldn't process it.

They lifted her onto a stretcher, the police were there as well.

"Are you two okay?" They asked

"Yeah we're fine" I just about managed. I told them what happened and then found the directions to the hospital.

I waited outside this room for ages, forever, well not literally. Hunter got fussy in her carry around car seat, I picked her up and walked her up and down.

Then I bumped into someone and I relived it was Lisa's ex friend Rachel, I haven't seen her in like two years, they used to be really close though.

"Hi Christina!" She said

"Hey" I smiled slightly

"Are you okay?" She asked

"Um not really, something happened to Lisa" I said

"What happened??" She exclaimed

"Lisa was shot, well she stopped this guy shooting me and hunter" I said gesturing towards the baby in my arms

"Oh my gosh!" She took a seat "I've missed her so much Christina, it seriously hurts everyday" she started crying, I hugged her.

"She'll be okay" I told her "she's strong"

It was quiet for a while

"So why are you here?" I asked

"I was seeing my sister, she just had a baby, I was about to leave anyway"

"Congrats to her, it's okay if you need to go it's still gonna be hours" I said

"No it's okay, I've got nothing better to do, so where to you live now still in Nashville?"

"Actually we were on our way to North California, we're moving there"

"I live there as well, I was seeing my sister here. So who's is Hunter?" She asked

"She's Lisa's"

"Aww" she smiled, Rachel seriously is so sweet, she barely ever gets mad.

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