Chapter 14 - Finally in California

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Lisa's POV

I had a good few days with Rachel even if I had to rest, I'm so happy we sorted everything out, I'm glad I have my best friend again. Now I'm ready to hit the road again. After two hours I got a text

Rick: hey I can't come in the next few months, I'll be traveling with my mates

Wow, I hate his "mates" they always tried to feel me weirdly and stuff, creepy.

Lisa: so when can you come?

Rick: maybe May

Seriously?? It's November! That's 6 months and only a maybe!

Oh well, Hunter doesn't need a father, I'd rather if she didn't than a father who's going to constantly come in and out of her life when he feels like it.

After hours, hours and hours we got to California, but it was a fun road trip really.

Nick sorted out a lot of the new house already because we're about 5 days behind than we were meant to be.

"Hey are you okay?" Nick asked

"Yeah we're all fine now" I said

We drove to the house, it was so nice, it was actually similar to my childhood home.

"Wow this is amazing" I said

"I know right!"

"Well let's get inside"

When we got inside Nick had already unpacked almost all the furniture. It looked really good. I was so excited.

"Hey how are you doing" Nick asked

"Much better thanks" I said which was true. I can't wait to see my old friends, also my cousins are close by.

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