Chapter 13 - Precious

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Lisa's POV

I'm so glad to have Rachel back. The police caught the man, they said he'd been involved in 3 previous shooting. This world can be a terrible place sometimes, like who would causally try and shoot a random person they don't even know and a mouth old baby.

So today I get to leave but I have to rest for at least 2 days. So we're staying with Rachel.

They stayed the night

"I put Charles at my sister's house last night" Rachel said


Charles my cat had been in the car as we were on our way to California. Not that Christina was very happy with him being there because she's allergic to cats.

We got freshened up and then packed up and left.

"Are you okay with carrying her?" Christina asked. I was carrying Hunter in her car seat. 

"Yeah I'm okay, I'm only a little soar anyway" okay maybe a bit more than a like soar but I wanted to be able to look after my child, I don't want her to ever know this happened, I want to protect her so much she doesn't know about the bad things in the world, at least not till she's old enough. Your heart is never as precious as it is when you're young, before you understand evil, if as a child you see bad things, it's impossible to take back, it makes your life so hard. I have to keep Hunter happy, I want to and I always will want to.

By the time we were at the car my side where I was shot felt so bad, just a few more steps. Pain shot up my body.

"Lisa!" Rachel exclaimed, my best friend and my sister ran to my side.

"I'm okay" I said

"Are you sure?" Christina asked concerned, I nodded.

Christina put Hunter in the car, Rachel sat at the front next to Christina and I sat at the back.

I rubbed Hunter's head, she made cute baby noises and smiled, she loves to smile, she really is so precious. I took a picture of her and posted it on Instagram with the description of.

Youreallmuggles: A baby is so precious, they don't understand the evil in the world, therefore they can't think evilly, the closest you get to perfect. I love my precious Hunter Rose Christine Cimorelli xx

People seemed more supportive once they realised my love for my child and that I didn't have anything truly against my sisters, honestly I'm not one of those moms who thinks like oh I had this cute kid whatever. I think so much about Hunter, her future, keeping her happy.

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