Chapter 26 - Will you be my...

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Lisa's POV

I knelt down beside my crying child, holding back the tears, there was nothing I could say or do to make her feel better, she wasn't dumb.

"I just wanna walk and run and play mommy!"

And with that I couldn't take it. I looked down trying to pull myself together. I knew going to the park was never a good idea.

"Lisa?" I heard his voice. I looked up.

Louis' POV

I was walking my dog in the park when I saw Hunter with Lisa knelt down, looking at the ground.

"Lisa?" I said. She looked up, she had tears streaming down my face, I walked closer to see Hunter crying as well. The truth is I'm in love with Lisa Cimorelli, I know it's crazy but I just know I am. I don't think she feels the same back though. I'm just her second shoulder to cry on, after her older sister Christina. Obviously I get that they're close though and I'd never want them to be any less close. I just wish I could be the one Lisa rang in the middle of the night when she had a problem, without a second thought about it because I'd pick up no matter what...

"Louis, I just want her to have what every other kid has, i don't want her stuck in a wheelchair forever" she cried, I hugged her tightly.

"Hey look she can still have fun like other kids" I smiled, I picked up a random ball from the ground.

"Okay hunter are you ready?" She giggled in response and put her hands out. I gently threw the ball in her direction. She caught it perfectly. Lisa's tears stopped and she smiled.

Lisa's POV

I love Louis, I really do. He knows just how to cheer me up.

"Lisa do you want to go out tonight?" He asked

"I'd love to"

"I'll pick you up at 6, dress casual, so preferably pants" he smiled at me.

*hours later*

Louis opened my car door. I thanked him.

"I love horses!" I say realising we're at a horse ranch.

"Well that's good then" Louis replied. We went horse back riding into a forest. At the end was a beautiful lake. He helped me off my horse

"Lisa Cimorelli, since the day I bumped into you I knew you were different to other girls. You're caring, sweet, beautiful, funny and never to forget an amazing mother. That's why I'm going to take the risk and ask you this question. Will you be my girlfriend?"

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