Chapter 29 - Not so fast...

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Lisa's POV

"Okay let's go on a walk" my dad said. We walked for about 5 minuets when I heard someone call my name.

"Hey Lisa!" There he was... I wanted to scream and do things to him I'd never want to do to anyone else. I wanted to kill him basically. I just turned around and tried to run but I tripped.

"Lisa!" Louis said, kneeling to my side.

"See you got yourself a new fella" he smirked. Yep it's Rick if you guessed. I cringed in pain and also the fact that he still had the nerve to come up to me.

"After 6 years and yet you still act like its nothing?!" I shout

"Oh Lisa it's been much longer..." He smirked

"No! No it hasn't! Because I saw you that day! I saw what you did to your own daughter!" I screamed and then got up and ran even if I'd probably twisted my ankle and it hurt like crap. I needed to get away from him.

"Not so fast Lisa, if you tell a soul, any of you, you'll all be done for!" I turned around and he was gone, I crashed to the ground.

"Mom!" Hunter said worriedly. Louis picked me up. Why can't my life just stay normal?

"He's my dad?"

"Honey I'll explain everything soon" I replied. Louis kissed my head.

"You should go to the doctors for that ankle" My Dad told me. I nodded. So we went back to the house and then Louis drove me to the doctors.

I explained how I tripped and fell and then had to keep running on it. They said I'd sprained it. So I had to use crutches for a week. Not too bad. I just wish Rick would leave my life for good.

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